The power to generate reproductive fluids. Sub-power of Reproductive Fluid Manipulation and Reproductive System Creation. Variation of Bodily Fluid Generation.
Also Called[]
- Amniotic Fluid Generation
- Seminal Fluid Generation
The user can generate reproductive fluids, whether by drawing from already existing fluids (theirs, others or separate from the bodies), or by manifesting it from anywhere they want. This can include normal reproductive fluid(s) or even non-existent ones: extraterrestrial, demonic, angelic, eldritch, divine, etc.
Known Users[]
- Bio-Broly (Dragon Ball Z)
- Clone Troopers (Star Wars)
- Wooldoor Sockbat (Drawn Together)
Known Objects[]
- Genesis Chambers (DC Extended Universe)
Bio-Broly (Dragon Ball Z) is covered in and exudes the acidic Culture Fluid that incubated him, using it to power up and increase in size.
Wooldoor Sockbat (Drawn Together) can generate Clum Babies, anthropomorphic reproductive fluids that can heal any disease.