Superpower Wiki

The ability to embody sudden and violent unrest. Variation of Anarchy Embodiment.

Also Called[]

  • Civil Unrest Embodiment
  • Riot Personification/Incarnate
  • The Riot
  • The Living Riot
  • The Walking Riot


Users of this power embody sudden and violent unrest. Whether they are actual cosmic entities related to chaos and anarchy or simply powerful superhuman beings whose powers are linked strongly with the concepts of civil unrest, especially when it grows into violent conflict - users of this power can gather massive crowds, often merging them into themselves and forming massive gestalt-entities that continually grow in power as the user feeds on the violence and hatred of those around them, while also inducing violence and hatred. The end result can be devastating and lead to civil war, world war or even complete collapse of a regime and/or apocalyptic conflict.




  • May become weakened by powers that cause calming effects / negate violence and unrest.
  • May not be able to control the power if it becomes too great, leading to a potential Apocalyptic Inducement.

Known Users[]

  • Riot (Marvel Comics)
  • The Horde (The Suffering)

