The ability to roll on any part of the body.
Also Called[]
- Enhanced Rolling
User can move across any surface as if they had wheels under the part of their body that touches the ground.
- Aura Generation
- Enhanced Agility
- Enhanced Athleticism
- Enhanced Balance
- Enhanced Speed
- Force-Field Generation
- Friction Manipulation
- Rolling Inducement
- Sliding
- Spherical Form
- Spin Dash
- Supernatural Agility
- Unrestricted Movement
- Wheel Retraction
- May only work to certain kinds of surface.
- Can still be hurt by sliding across sharp or harmful surfaces.
- Can still lose control over very slippery surfaces like ice without Friction Negation.
Known Users[]
- Sally Blevins/Skids (Marvel Comics)
- Koichi Haimawari (My Hero Academia)