The power to use the ability to transform into the Samebito. Variation of Shark and Yokai Physiology.
Also Called[]
- Samebito Mimicry
A user with this ability either is or can transform into the Samebito. The Samebito is a humanoid shark-like creature with inky black skin, emerald green eyes, the face like a demon and the beard like a dragon and it was expelled by his former employer Ryƫjin as a punishment for a petty fault.
- Demon Physiology (face like a demon)
- Dragon Physiology (beard like a dragon)
- The user can be controlled by users of Shark Manipulation and Yokai Physiology.
- The user can be banished into the sea by a Shinto Deity.
Known Users[]
- Samebito (The Gratitude of the Samebito/Japanese Mythology)