Superpower Wiki
Superpower Wiki

The power to use self aware oragnomechanic syntellect. Variation of Disease Mimicry and Technorganic Physiology. Opposite of Nanite Artificial Intelligence

Also Called[]

  • Microrg Syntellect Mimicry
  • Organite Collective Physiology/Mimicry


Users have a mass consciousness of oragnomechanic syntellect, self aware organite that comprised of a shared phalanx of a sentient gestalt cellular/organic micromachine collective, with a possible singular primary intelligence sequence upon billions to trillions of self-aware bio computers. These advanced organite, bonds to the user as hosts as they respond to the users very consciousness as their primary source of command as users very brain controls organite as collective consciousness.

The organite has an infinite genetic helix's of such an existence can store & index any and all information copied onto it, through which users can recreate everything from the compartmentalized information from scratch if need be. With modifications to the codecs implemented in their fabrication. This kind of information can be used to modify the users and even influence biological components and even the biosphere of the environment, capable of rejuvenating life and molecular level.



Known Users[]

  • Pangaean (ABC Publishing)
  • Brainiac (DC Comics); from the Antimatter Universe
  • Biomega (IDW Publishing)
  • The Alternate (Malibu Comics)
  • Demonseed (Malibu Comics)
  • Hardcase (Malibu Comics)
  • Rex Mundi (Malibu Comics)
  • Derenik Zadian (Marvel Comics)
  • Inciters (Marvel Comics)
  • The Technarch (Marvel Comics)
  • Patricia Wolman/Vista (Marvel Comics)
  • Phalanx (Marvel Comics)
  • Abraham Dusk (Wildstorm Comics)
  • God Spartan (Wildstorm Comics)
  • The Venusians (Wildstorm Comics)


