- "You're blocking my scent with yours!? Th- that doesn't even make sense!"
- "I'm Exalted! I just smell that good."
- ― Alchemical and Marena (Keychain of Creation)
The power to shift one’s bodily scent or that of others. Sub-power of Fragrance Manipulation.
Also Called[]
- Scent Changing/Disguise
- Scent Marking
The user can manipulate their own bodily scent or that of others, allowing them to evade and trick users of Enhanced Smell or animals.
- Inodorosity (no smell)
- Pleasant Scent (good smell)
- Stench Generation (bad smell)
- Absolute Stench (lethal smell)
- Self-Stench Removal
- May be constantly active.
- May not be able to completely change their scent, unless users can master this ability.
- Useless against users of Absolute Smell.
Known Users[]
- Oingo (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part III: Stardust Crusaders)
- Nanachi (Made In Abyss); after becoming a Narehate
- Doppel (Monster Musume)
- King/Harlequin (Nanatsu no Taizai)
- Spritzee/Aromatisse (Pokémon)
- Kazuma Nahato (Puchi Houndo)
- Frankie Zapruder (Marvel Comics)
- Shape-shifters (Shadow Falls); via Animal Morphing
- Chameleons (Shadow Falls); via Species-Shifting