Superpower Wiki

The ability to induce illusions onto specific targets. Variation of Illusion Manipulation.

Also Called[]

  • Illusion Inducement


The user can induce illusions onto specific targets without affecting the masses or any other unwanted individuals. These illusions can be purely perceptual, existing only in the minds and senses of their target, or be physically manifested images, events, experiences and other phenomena that is merely only perceptible or tangible to the target.




  • Illusion Negation
  • The selectivity of the illusions may result in a limited number of simultaneous targets.
  • May be imperceptible to and/or ineffective on traditionally mindless and/or inorganic entities (such as corpses, animated objects, robots, etc.).
  • Users of Psychic Shield (highly resistant) and Psychic Immunity (impervious).
  • The target may have the willpower to break the illusion.

Known Users[]

  • Ah Fu-lo (Akatsuki Otokojuku)
  • Asura Saeki (Area D)
  • Sōsuke Aizen (Bleach)
  • Martian Manhunter (DC Comics)
  • Maury Parkman (Heroes)
  • Professor Charles Xavier (Marvel Comics)
  • Genjutsu Users (Naruto)
  • Emerald (RWBY)
  • Wang Ta-ren (Sakigake Otokojuku)
  • Norito Goshi (Seraph of the End)
  • Gowther (The Seven Deadly Sins)
  • Sapphire (Hero Killer)

