Superpower Wiki
"Ooh, yeah, this looks deadly. So this shoots antimatter? My target can’t be killed with regular matter."
― Krombopulos Michael (Rick & Morty)
"Sorry, your fire doesn't really hurt us, but, I mean, I could fake it if that'll get your d*ck hard."
"Oh, sh*t. Well, I'll just shoot you in your smart-ass mouth!"
"That would be more effective."
― Blitzo and Martha (Helluva Boss)

The ability to be immune to a specific concept, power or object, etc. Selective version of Immunity.

Also Called[]

  • Concept Immunity/Invulnerability
  • Selective Invulnerability


The user is immune to a specific power, element, attack, object, abstract concept, etc.




Known Users[]


  • Kamijou Touma (A Certain Magical Index/A Certain Scientific Railgun)
  • Sendou Ryuuichi (Code: Breaker): immune to external attacks by turning his skin's texture but is not immune to attacks from inside his body.
  • Son Goku (Dragon Ball series); immune to the Devilmite Beam
  • Natsu Dragneel (Fairy Tail); immune to all base fire attacks
  • Kanna (InuYasha); immune to demonic aura-related attacks and effects
  • Stands (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure); immune to any kinds of harm except other Stands
  • Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece); immune to normal physical attacks and electrical attacks (minus heat) as he is made of rubber, and poison.
  • Special Species Demons (Puchi Houndo)
  • Harvar (Soul Eater) immune to Arachne's Madness wavelength
  • Achilles (TYPE-MOON); can only be harmed by gods and demigods, except his heel
  • Heracles (TYPE-MOON); immune to all attacks below A-rank
  • Siegfried (TYPE-MOON); immune to all attacks below A-rank, except his back
  • Demon King (Nanatsu no Taizai/The Seven Deadly Sins); Immune to all forms of magical attacks
  • Supreme Deity (Nanatsu no Taizai/The Seven Deadly Sins); Immune to all forms of physical attacks
  • Iihiko Shishime (Medaka Box); immune to anything and everything he doesn't recognizes


  • Superman X (Legion of Super-Heroes); immune to Kryptonite
  • Aku (Samurai Jack) cannot be killed by regular weapons, but mystic weapons and artifacts can harm him.
  • Steven Universe (Steven Universe); immune to modern Gem technology
  • Coop (Yin Yang Yo!) immune to Eradicus' "The Dark Tomorrow"


  • Bizarro (DC Comics); immune to Green Kryptonite and even gains strength when exposed to it
  • Doomsday (DC Comics); immune to whatever previously killed him once revived
  • The Joker (DC Comics)
  • Patrick "Eel" O'Brian/Plastic Man (DC Comics); immune to Telepathy and Magic
  • Jim Jaspers (Marvel Comics); immune to Superior Adaptation
  • Adrienne, Cordelia, and Emma Frost (Marvel Comics); immune to each other's powers
  • Alex Summers/Havok (Marvel Comics); immune to his brother Cyclops' concussive beams
  • Juggernauts (Marvel Comics); immune to all physical attacks
  • Scott Summers/Cyclops (Marvel Comics); immune to his brother Havok's cosmic blast abilities


  • Dwarfs (The Chronicles of Narnia)
  • Dwarfs (Discworld)
  • Dwarfs (Harry Potter)
  • Dwarves (The Inheritance Cycle)
  • Dwarves (Tolkienverse)
  • Dwarves (The Spiderwick Chronicles)

Live TV

  • Angel (Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel); immune to Billy Blim's powers
  • Gabriel Statler (Charmed); immune to the weapons of man
  • Vinceres (Charmed); immune to witchcraft
  • Matthew Tate (Charmed); Copy any power used on him or against him Before immune to them.
  • Krynoids (Doctor Who); Immune to gunfire and lasers
  • Various characters (Heroes); immune to their own powers
  • Sound absorbing agent (Heroes); immune to sound and sonic-based attacks
  • Alejandro Herrera (Heroes); Immune to his sister's power
  • Dean Winchester (Supernatural); formerly immune to demonic powers via the Mark of Cain
  • Sam Winchester (Supernatural); formerly immune to demonic powers
  • Jack Kline (Supernatural); Immune to Angel Blades

Video Games

  • Baldur (God of War 2018); immune to everything but mistletoe
  • Endless/Xalanyn (Halo Infinite); to the activation of the Halo Array
  • Various Pokémon types (Pokémon)
    • Normal type Pokémon; immune to Ghost type Pokémon
    • Ghost type Pokémon; immune to Normal and Fighting type Pokémon
    • Flying type Pokémon; immune to Ground type Pokémon
    • Ground type Pokémon; immune to Electric type Pokémon
    • Steel type Pokémon; immune to Poison type Pokémon
    • Dark type Pokémon; immune to Psychic type Pokémon
    • Fairy type Pokémon; immune to Dragon type Pokémon
  • Wart (Super Mario Bros 2)
  • Pyromanic (Valkyrie Crusade); immune to blue flames
  • Orne (Kid Icarus: Uprising); immune to all weapons and powers but the Arrows of Light

Web Animation/Comics/Series/Originals


