- "You necro-mancing nitwits! I wanted an all-seeing eye, not this!"
- ― King Quimby complaining about the all-smelling nose (The Simpsons)
The power to possess a sense of smell drastically beyond what is naturally possible. Sub-power of Supernatural Senses. Advanced version of Enhanced Smell.
Also Called[]
- Supernatural Olfaction
- Supernatural Sense of Smell
- Supernatural Smelling
Users possess sense of smell that is glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally more acute than other beings in their universe because their capabilities are pushed to a superhuman level. Allowing them to smell anything over any distance, including space, as well as being able to smell individual molecules/atoms.
- Emotion Smelling
- Essence Reading
- Event Experiencing
- Hyper Awareness
- Illusion/Invisibility/Shapeshifting Awareness
- Locality Tracking
- Supernatural Detection
- Peak Human Smell
- Enhanced Smell
- Supernatural Smell
- Absolute Smell
- Clairalience: Some users may be able to sense conceptual forces and even immaterial beings/entities with their superior sense of smell.
- Species Detection
- Supernatural Condition
- Supernatural Senses
- Weak against Anosmia Inducement and Sensory Overload.
- May be constantly active and/or unblockable/unignorable.
Known Users[]
- Saigiku Jono (Bungo Stray Dogs)
- Kelvin Urvolf (The Middle-Aged Newbie Adventurer, Trained to the Brink of Death by the Strongest Party, Became Unbeatable)
- Family of Blood (Doctor Who)
- The Master (Doctor Who)
- Apollo (Genesis of Aquarion)
- Caine Wise (Jupiter Ascending)
- Caliban (X-Men Movies)
- Akira Kenjou/Cure Chocolat (KiraKira☆Pretty Cure A La Mode)
- Vampires (Ology Series)
- Teddie (Persona 4)
- Slurpuff (Pokemon)
- Hot Dog (Skylanders)
- Briggan the Wolf (Spirit Animals)
- Toriko (Toriko)
- Wolf King Guinness (Toriko)
- Fino Bloodstone (Yu-Shibu)
- Cha Hae-In (Solo Leveling)
- Werewolves (Teen Wolf)
Briggan the Wolf (Spirit Animals) possesses a sense of smell and hearing is so acute it reaches to the extent of prophecy.
Cha Hae-In (Solo Leveling) has a particular incredible sense of smell, where she can smell mana, strong Hunters or Monsters with a more putrid scent...
...the unique scent of Sung Jinwoo, who has a pleasant scent different from Hunters and Monsters. Even after the world was reborn, she could still tell that Jinwoo smelled better than ice cream.