Superpower Wiki
"Homer, you've become a supertaster. The mildest spices will overwhelm your tongue, even a taco could drive you insane."
― Dr Julius Hibbert (The Simpsons)

The power to have an extremely keen sense of taste. Sub-power of Enhanced Senses. Advanced version of Peak Human Taste.

Also Called[]

  • Gustatory Enhancement
  • Hypertaste
  • Near/Nigh/Semi-Supernatural Taste
  • Supertaster


The user has accurate sense of taste, allowing them to sense both harmful and beneficial things, as all basic tastes are classified as either aversive or appetitive, depending upon the effect the things they sense have on our bodies. Sweetness helps to identify energy-rich foods, while bitterness serves as a warning sign of poisons.

The user may be able to tell certain things about people if they taste something the person they're describing ate/drank previously, such as gender. They may be able to taste things from a distance as opposed to physically making contact with what they are tasting in order to sense harmful and beneficial things without even touching them.






  • Something with too much of a certain flavor or taste might be dangerous for them.
  • Users might not be able to shut off this power.
  • Does not work on foods or drugs that do not carry a taste.
  • The user may have sensitive taste buds, and thus can only eat/drink certain things.
  • The very fact one must put said poison or other harmful substance in their mouths risks exposure (and potential death).

Known Users[]

  • Rachel Pirzad (Alphas)
  • Various characters (Baki the Grappler)
    • Yujiro Hanma
    • Biscuit Olivia
  • Mai Natsume (BlazBlue Remix Heart); can taste thoughts and emotions of anything her tongue touches.
  • Junior (The Cleveland Show)
  • Slade Wilson/Deathstroke (DC Comics)
  • Midnighter (DC Comics/Wildstorm)
  • Time Lords (Doctor Who)
  • Gluttony (Fullmetal Alchemist)
  • Terezi (Homestuck)
  • Gon (Hunter X Hunter); detected a poison considered to be tasteless
  • Najika Kazami (Kitchen Princess)
  • Daredevil (Marvel Comics)
  • Sergei Kravinoff/Kraven The Hunter (Marvel Comics)
  • Black Panther (Marvel Comics)
  • Remy (Ratatouille)
  • Yukon Cornelius (Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer)
  • Holders of God's Tongue (Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma)
    • Nakiri Erina
    • Nakiri Mana
  • Homer Simpson (The Simpsons); after becoming a supertaster
  • Practitioners of the Hercules Method (The Strange Talent of Luther Strode)
  • Manitoba Smith (Total Drama)
  • Noelle (Tower Prep)
  • Raymond Connor/Daredevil (Ultimate Marvel)
  • Ryou Kuroyanagi (Yakitate Japan)
  • Bruno Bucciarati (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part V: Golden Wind/Vento Aureo)

Known Objects[]

  • Calypso Serum (Marvel Comics)
  • Heart-Shaped Herb (Marvel Comics)
  • NEWS (Toriko)

