Superpower Wiki

The power to utilize practices that are perceptive in nature. Variation of Supernatural Arts.

Also Called[]

  • Sense Arts/Techniques
  • Sensory Techniques


The user can utilize the Sensory Arts, a specialized system of techniques based around perceptive power. Perception-based abilities can take different forms. At the most basic level, one can have enhanced sensory capabilities (sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch) that allow an individual to analyze their surroundings. There are even abilities where one can perceive more intangible aspects like body heat, electrical fields or the passage of time. One can also possess specialized awareness abilities (ESP), where one gains information or sensory data through supernatural means, often psychic. On a remote level, one can manipulate said faculties, enhancing, distorting and/or diminishing them, whether they belong to the user or to others.

Through specialized training, one can demonstrate supernatural techniques based around sensory powers. One can combine one’s enhanced senses with combat ability, making them more effective fighters. A user can control a target’s senses, causing confusion on a basic level, potentially triggering psychosomatic effects at a more advanced state of skill. With enough practice, a practitioner could gain specialized insight and/or manipulation abilities ranging from precognition to mental control.






  • Knowledge Absorption/Knowledge Erasure/Sensory Deprivation/Tracking Evasion
  • May only be applicable against certain targets.
  • Lack of proper knowledge could lead to power loss or dangerous effects.
  • May be unintentionally overwhelmed and/or possessed thanks to techniques.
  • May only be able to manifest particular type of sensory power (vision, hearing, touch, etc.).
  • May be limited to types of techniques (past/present/future awareness, sensory enhancement, detection, etc.).

Known Users[]


