The power to manipulate sewing equipment. Variation of Domestic Implement Manipulation and Equipment Manipulation.
The user can create, shape, and manipulate sewing equipment, including the various sort of fabrics, buttons, sewing needles, pins, thread and even machines used for such activities.
- Control Manipulation with sewing equipment.
- Matter Surfing by riding sewing equipment.
- Manipulate the properties of sewing equipment.
- Repair sewing equipment.
- Move/lift sewing equipment.
- Object Attacks using sewing equipment.
- Object Constructs using cleaning supplies.
- Object Negation of sewing equipment.
- Object Possession
- Object Sensing of sewing equipment.
- Projectile Enhancement with throwing sewing equipment.
- Sewing Equipment Creation
- Sewing Equipment Proficiency
- May be unable to create sewing equipment, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources.
- Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user.
- May be limited to certain types of sewing equipment.
Known Users[]
- Other Mother (Coraline)
- S'yne Lokk (The Rising of the Shield Hero); via Vassal Sewing Set