The power to use the abilities of sewing equipment. Technique of Sewing Equipment Manipulation. Variation of Object Mimicry.
Also Called[]
- Sewing Equipment Mimicry
- Sewing Mimicry/Physiology
- Soft-Sculpture Mimicry/Physiology
- The Pin Cushion
- The Sewing Kit
- The Soft-Sculpture
User with this ability either is or can transform into sewing equipment, including (but not limited to) the various sort of fabrics, buttons, sewing needles, pins, thread and even machines used for such activities. Users' transformed form either anatomically identical to their normal form, aside of being made of sewing equipment, in which case it contains all to organs and is somewhat vulnerable to attacks. Alternately the user can transform into homogeneous matter, without any part of their form being more important than the other.
- Defunct Physiology
- Enhanced Athleticism
- Enhanced Lung Capacity or Oxygen Independence
- Enhanced Strength
- Cloth Mimicry
- Needle Proficiency
- Object Mimicry
- Scissors Proficiency
- Scissor Protrusion
- Sewing Equipment Manipulation
- Thread Manipulation
- Toy Physiology
- May be limited to a single product of the craft (dolls, quilts, etc).
Know Users[]
- Other Mother (Coraline)
- All of the Other Mother's Creations (Coraline)
- Other Father
- Other Wybie
- Other Spink
- Other Forcible
- Other Spink and Other Forcible's Dogs
- Other Bobinsky
- Other Bobinsky's Circus Mice/Rats
- Pin Cushion (Lion of Oz)
- Phantom (Grindhouse and Watercolors)
Known Objects[]
- Coraline Doll (Coraline)
Known Locations[]
- The Other World (Coraline)
- The Seamstress' Cottage (Lion of Oz)