Superpower Wiki

The power to use darkness/shadow-related magic. Form of Magic. Variation of Darkness Manipulation and Elemental Magic. Opposite to Light Magic. Magical counterpart to Darkness Science. Not to be confused with Dark Arts.

Also Called[]

  • Abyss Mysticism (World of Darkness/Vampire: the Masquerade)
  • Darkness/Night/Umbral/Shadow Magic/Spell
  • Shadowmancy/Umbramancy


Users are able use a form of magic that is related and based on darkness and shadows. For example, one can use this magic to gain access to (esoteric/mystic/magical) shadow-related abilities (E.g. Shadow Manipulation) or to cast spells that require or are related to bones (E.g. an Astral Projection spell or Healing spell).




  • Magic has a price.
  • Magic Negation/Magic Destruction
  • Control, discipline, and restraint are extremely important. Unconscious, emotion-influenced, impulsive, or reckless use of this power can be catastrophic.
  • Distance, mass, precision, max power, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user.
  • Such magic often drains a person's stamina or mana.
    • Naturally, stronger magic puts a much greater strain.
  • Without the knowledge or proper skill, the intended use of such magic can create unpredictable or potentially dangerous results.
  • Light Magic might counter it.

Known Users[]


Animated Films[]


Comic Books[]


Live Action TV[]

Tabletop Games[]

Video Games[]

Web Comics[]

Web Original[]

Known Objects[]

Known Powers/Techniques[]

  • Dark Magic (Black Clover)
  • Shadow Magic (Black Clover)
  • Abyss Mysticism (World of Darkness)

