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The power to use the traits and abilities of sheepsquatch. Variation of Cryptid Physiology and Sasquatch Physiology.

Also Called[]

  • Sheepsquatch Mimicry


A user with this ability either is or can transform into a Sheepsquatch, a woolly-haired cryptid reported across numerous counties in West Virginia, predominantly within the southwestern region of the state. Majority of sightings taking place in Boone County during the mid-1990s.

The creature has been described as both bipedal and quadrupedal in appearance and resembling a horned bear-like creature, with clawed paws on it’s front legs and hooves on it’s hind legs. It’s horns, hooves and white, wool-like fur gives it a sheep-like appearance, thus the name. It has been said that it exudes a strong stench similar to that of sulfur, indicating when it is near the area.



Known Users[]

  • Sheepsquatch (American Folklore)
  • Sheepsquatch (Fallout 76)