The power to access siddhis. Variation of Complete Mastery and Almighty Ascension. Sub-power of Yogic Arts.
Also Called[]
- Accomplishments
- Yogic Perfection
- Yogic Powers
Users can gain access to siddhis, supernatural powers that are obtained by means of yoga practices with these typically being translated as "perfections", "accomplishments" or "success". Users are nigh-omnipotent; surpassing the demigods they can perform any miracles to the highest possible limits. Users will be absolute over themselves and others, effectively making them nigh-perfect and nigh-invincible.
Nature of 8 major Siddhis:
- Anima - The ability to become smaller than the smallest.
- Mahima - The ability to become infinitely large, expanding one's body to an infinitely large size.
- Laghima - The ability to become weightless as well as make anything weightless defying the gravitational force.
- Garima - The ability to become infinitely heavy or dense.
- Prapti - The ability to get anything / The power to fulfil absolutely any and all wishes.
- Prakamya - The ability to pervade everything.
- Ishitva - The ability to be the master of everything.
- Vashitva - The ability to control all material elements or natural/supernatural forces.
Minor Siddhis:
- anūrmimattvam: Being undisturbed by hunger, thirst, and other bodily appetites.
- dūraśravaṇa: Hearing things far away.
- dūradarśanam: Seeing things far away.
- manojavah: Moving the body wherever thought goes (teleportation/astral projection).
- kāmarūpam: Assuming any form desired.
- parakāya praveśanam: Entering the bodies of others.
- svachanda mṛtyuh: Dying when one desires.
- devānām saha krīḍā anudarśanam: Witnessing and participating in the pastimes of the gods.
- yathā saṅkalpa saṁsiddhiḥ: Perfect accomplishment of one's determination.
- ājñāpratihatā gatiḥ: Orders or commands being unimpeded.
Applications (General)[]
Applications (Detailed)[]
Ashtama Siddhi[]
- Anima (अणिमा)
- Absolute Art Manipulation (Anima Siddhi helps to open up our minds and to allow us to access our inner strength and creativity.)
- Absolute Potential/Spirituality (Anima Siddhi is a type of meditation that is used to access the hidden power within us and unlock our potential. Anima Siddhi is a Sanskrit term that literally means “power of the soul”.)
- Higher Consciousness (Understanding existence)
- Absolute Concealment (Lord Kṛṣṇa becomes so small that He enters within the atomic particles. The Lord can become so light or subtle that even great mystic yogīs cannot perceive Him.)
- Invisibility (Production without shadow and non-perception.)
- Dimensional Manipulation/Storage (That of other dimensions. Anima allows one to be smaller than the smallest, because our real dimension, spiritual dimension, is one ten-thousandth part of the tip of the hair.)
- Lower Consciousness (Perpetual subdual of the senses etc.; perception of sound from afar.)
- Nothingness Manipulation (Shrinking things with Anima would turn them into nothingness.)
- Omni-Perception and Omni-Immunity (Via shrinking living or non-living things, erasing them from existence.)
- Physics Mastery (Understanding of physics)
- All Physics-Based Powers (Anima includes understanding of physics and therefore at complete mastery, all things related to it can be controlled.)
- Personal Density (One change the density in one’s body.)
- Density Manipulation (This can enable one to pass through solid matter.)
- Dichotomous Intangibility (Going through the sky.)
- Density Manipulation (This can enable one to pass through solid matter.)
- Personal Density (One change the density in one’s body.)
- All Physics-Based Powers (Anima includes understanding of physics and therefore at complete mastery, all things related to it can be controlled.)
- Quantum Existence (Going beyond even the atomic levels.)
- All Quantum-Based Powers (Anima being used at absolute mastery.)
- Atomic Dissociation/Matter-Based Powers (Anima allows one to become so small that they can become as small as atoms and thus destruction using such a thing is feasible.)
- All Quantum-Based Powers (Anima being used at absolute mastery.)
- Shrink Warping (Aṇimā-siddhi refers to the power by which one can become so small that he can enter into a stone and annihilate people by shrinking into any part of the body.)
- Absolute Speed (Via teleportation)
- Size Reduction (Becoming smaller than the smallest which includes non-living objects and potentially living things at absolute mastery.)
- Absolute Erasure (Once non-living things are shrank or erased, they are erased from existence completely.)
- Absolute Strength and True Friend (Through shrinking. Additionally, they gain extraordinary strength and the ability to be more amiable.)
- Absolute Erasure (Once non-living things are shrank or erased, they are erased from existence completely.)
- Unicellular Physiology (It can allow for cells to be controlled by shrinking them.)
- Absolute Defense/Body Manipulation (Via shrinking. You can become the smaller than the smallest. You can be packed up in a box. We have seen it. And you'll come out. In Bose's circus, Calcutta, in our childhood, we saw this yogic practice. A man was tied up, hands and legs, put into a bag. The bag was sealed up, again put into a box. The box was locked and sealed. And the man again came out.)
- Mahima (महिमा)
- Absolute Wisdom/Boundless Inner World/Complete Resistance/Inner Power/Ultimate Power (The practice is said to open up the connection to the infinite source of power within each of us, allowing us to access our highest potential. At its core, Mahima Siddhi is a spiritual practice that helps us to be more aware of our inner strength and to tap into the power we have within us. It teaches us how to use our minds and bodies to unlock our deepest potential. The practice is said to bring us into alignment with our true nature – the power of greatness that resides within us. The practice of Mahima Siddhi is based on the belief that we are all connected to the infinite source of power. By connecting with this source, we can tap into our highest potential and unlock our inner power. In doing so, we can become more aware of our true nature and access our innate wisdom.)
- Astronomy Mastery (Mahimā allows for the knowledge of the arrangements and movements of stars.)
- Body Supremacy (The knowledge of bodily anatomy.)
- Clairvoyance (Additionally, there is a form of mystic ability tied to Mahima siddhi called “clairvoyance,” or “far seeing.” It is thought that only the most experienced yogis can acquire this)
- Complete Arsenal/Flawless Indestructibility/Omni-Protection/Totality Embodiment (Vishvarupa has innumerable forms, eyes, faces, mouths and arms. All creatures of the universe are part of him. He is the infinite universe, without a beginning or an end. Vishvarupa-Krishna appears with many arms and holds many weapons and attributes traditionally associated with Vishnu like the conch, the Sudarshana chakra, the gada (mace), his bow, his sword Nandaka. The inside of his body is described. Various deities (including Vasus, Rudras, Adityas, Dikapalas), sages and tribes (especially those opposing the Kauravas, including the Pandavas) are seen in his body. This form is described as terrible and only people blessed with divine vision could withstand the sight. The god has a thousand eyes, a hundred heads, a thousand feet, a thousand bellies, a thousand arms and several mouths. His head covers the sky. His two feet cover all ground. His two arms encompass the horizontal space. His belly occupies the reattaining space in the universe.)
- Omniscience Bestowal (The name Viśvarūpa (Sanskrit: विश्वरूप) is composed from viśva and rūpa. Taken together, it refers to an omniscient form that pervades the entire universe.)
- Multiversal Manipulation/Omni-Reality Creation (He becomes so large that as Mahā-Viṣṇu breathes out millions of universes.)
- Redundant Physiology (A human who bears this gains no weakness.)
- Size Adaptation (Through mahimā-siddhi one becomes so great that one covers everything and envelop the entire universe.)
- Size Augmentation (Becoming larger than the largest.)
- Size Manipulation and Size Bestowal (The one can even make other things bigger in size.)
- Ultipotence (He can attain the power equivalent to a god-like being.)
- Laghima (लघिमा)
- Anti-Gravity Manipulation (Via flight and defying gravity.)
- Body Adaptation/Modification (This ability does not alter the physical body, but instead changes the connection between the body and the outside laws of nature (gravity in this case). The flight that it gives is free movement through open and unblocked space, disregarding gravity and having other worldly control of the air.)
- Solar Accumulation (For instance, a mystic yogī can enter into the sun planet simply by using the rays of the sunshine using Laghimā.)
- Flight/Levitation (Alexandra David-Neel's account of her exploits in Tibet back in the 1920s references a man in 1925 who was said to be so light, that he had to be bound by chains.)
- Omnifarious (The practitioner can become any creature on this earth and enter into his body after attaining this siddhi.)
- Teleportation (You can go anywhere in a moment. It is speedier than the mind. Just like mind—you are sitting here, and your paternal home may be ten thousand miles away, but by mind you can go immediately. This is mental speed.)
- Temperature Immunity (To hot and cold.)
- Weight Manipulation (Lightness; weightiness; prevention (stopping) of the wind with the pair of hands.)
- Absolute Speed Flight/Weight Reduction (The power to become so light that one can float in the air or on water in an instant.)
- Garima (गरिमा)
- Absolute Attack/Absolute Gravity Manipulation/Meta Space-Time Manipulation (You could have the weight of a black hole and pierce the fabric of space and time itself!)
- Axiom/Principle Manipulation (Through being unshakeable in one's principles and striving with them to the end.)
- Immobility (According to the Puranas, Garima is becoming heavier than the heaviest.)
- Divine Conduit (Garima Siddhi can help you to become more aware of your thoughts and feelings, gain greater insight into yourself and the world around you, and become more connected to the divine.)
- Mass/Weight Manipulation (A testimony of Neem Karoli Baba in the late 20th century cites him forcing a train to stop moving completely for several hours; as no-one could make him move with the train company being stopped until he willed it to move after being let in.)
- Attribute/Infinity/Quantity Manipulation/Stagnation (Through complete lack of movement and with absolute mastery of the siddhi as one who has this siddhi can never be moved by anything as seen when Hanuman's tail couldn't be moved by Bhima in the Ramayana, an incredibly strong warrior.)
- Planetary Manipulation (Through controlling contradictions and being on the level of Krishna. "Millions and trillions heavy planets are floating in the air, millions and trillions".)
- Weight Enhancement (The Yogi acquires an increase of specific gravity. He can make the body as heavy as a mountain by swallowing draughts of air.)
- Omni-Immunity (Through gaining enough weight to become heavier than existence.)
- Prapti (प्राप्ति)
- 10th Dimension Physiology (Prāpti allows for the user to become one with all dimensions through transcending distance itself completely where time and space is meaningless.)
- Absolute Access (According to Krishna in the Puranas, Prapti can allow for the user to touch space or celestial bodies with their finger.)
- Absolute Change/Absolute Emotions/Boundary Manipulation/Desire Empowerment (By focusing on one’s desires and visualizing them as if they have already been attained, one can manifest them into reality.)
- Absolute Condition (This can allow one to gain the body of Kṛṣṇa.)
- Absolute Crafting (The one can construct anything on this earth.)
- Absolute Event Manipulation (This power is also believed to give a yogi the ability to travel through space and time, as well as influence events that happen in the present.)
- Absolute Immortality/Complete Arsenal (Through this Siddhi the Yogi attains his desired objects and supernatural powers.)
- Absolute Learning/Absolute Probability Manipulation/Meta Space-Time Manipulation/Reality Warping (Learning through controlling. The prapti siddhi enables one, through mantra to transform gross physical objects into ethereal objects by merging the respective elements into their source element. Thus one takes an object located in a particular location, and by utilizing mantra siddhi, one merges the earth element into the water element, the water element into the fire element, the fire element into the air element, and finally the air element into the ether element. As you merge each element into the previous, the corresponding quality disappears (being merged back into the source element). In this way, a physical object is transformed into an ethereal object with no quality other than sound. This ethereal object can be transferred over space by mind, and then the entire process is reversed to remanifest the original object in one’s hand.)
- Absolute Life-Force (Wishing to have a complete life-force.)
- Absolute Possession (In Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 10.14 to 12, through Prāpti one acquires whatever one desires.)
- Absolute Wish (According to the Bhagavata Purana, nothing is inaccessible.)
- Metapotence/Ultipotence (Via simply wishing it.)
- Boundless Influence (One can also enter into the senses of any other living entity through the predominating deities of the particular senses; and by thus utilizing the senses of others.)
- Causality Manipulation (This power also gives a yogi the ability to control and influence events that are happening in the present moment.)
- Chrono Vision/Extrasensory Perception (Viewing of all hidden things.)
- Clairaudience (He acquires the power of clairvoyance.)
- Clairsentience (He acquires the power of clairsentience.)
- Omnilingualism (He can understand unknown languages also.)
- Telepathy (He acquires the power of telepathy and thought-reading.)
- Zoolingualism (He can understand the languages of the beasts and birds.)
- Complete Activity/Omnipresence (Prapti is also called Omnipresence.)
- Cosmic Keystone (By influencing events as a being who is the connector of existence.)
- Distance Manipulation/Meta Teleportation ("With this prāpti-siddhi, the perfect mystic yogī can not only touch the moon planet, but he can extend his hand everywhere and take whatever he likes. He may be sitting thousands of miles away from a certain place, and if he likes he can take fruit from a garden there. This is called prāpti-siddhi.")
- Fate Immunity (He can also understand his own fate and those of others through wishing it.)
- Impossibility Manipulation (There is nothing impossible for him to get such as providing water in the desert, or any other supernatural things.)
- Indeterminacy (Rational or irrational by wishing it to happen.)
- Miracle Performing (He can cure all diseases.)
- Absolute Miracle Manipulation (The ultimate miracles only with complete mastery of this Siddhi.)
- Reality Shifting (Shifting various realities.)
- Omni-Telepathy/Teleportation (He can also call someone or something to him.)
- Prakamya (प्राकाम्य)
- Absolute Change (Prakamya Siddhi is the ability to become whatever the practitioner desires.)
- Absolute Emotions (Emotions are the cause for this siddhi's power.)
- Absolute Nature Manipulation/Omni-Magic (The prākāmya power acts to create wonderful effects within the scope of nature.)
- Absolute Power Derivation (By this prākāmya power one can achieve anything he likes.)
- Absolute Will (Prakamya is described in Hindu texts as using willpower to achieve anything desired.)
- Delayed Effect (If the user wants. In ordinary life there is always a greater or lesser time gap between an effort of will power or the formation of a definite wish and its fulfillment in the realm of actuality.)
- Meta Time Manipulation/Omni-Action (As a master. An advanced yogi, when he becomes united with the timeless creative energy of Being (Paraprakriti or Braham-Sakti) is believed to become a master of time, considerably reducing the gap between his focused will-force and actual accomplishment. He attains what is known in Tibetan Buddhism as Amoghasiddhi, power in the field of action.)
- Delayed Effect (If the user wants. In ordinary life there is always a greater or lesser time gap between an effort of will power or the formation of a definite wish and its fulfillment in the realm of actuality.)
- Biophysical Possession/Youth Inducement (By some writers it is defined to be the power of entering body of another (Parakaya Pravesh). Sri Sankara entered the body of Raja Amaruka of Benares. Tirumular in Southern India entered the body of a shepherd. Raja Vikramaditya also did this. It is also the power of keeping a youth-like appearance for any length of time. Raja Yayati had this power.)
- Corpse Possession/Mindshifting (Through controlling and seeing through people.)
- Creation (Kardama Muni created one airship. It was just like a small city. The modern airship—they have prepared 747—can carry about five hundred passengers. Of course, very big. But Kardama Muni created an airship just like a small city. In that airship there was nice lake and palaces and garden, and not only that, the airship traveled all over the universe. They could not make any airship to go to the moon planet. But Kardama Muni, by his yogic power, he created an airship which could go to all the planets.)
- Desire Empowerment (All desires are satisfied.)
- Fictional Transcendence (On a whim.)
- Freedom (Permanent and freedom on the absolute level.)
- Indeterminacy (Rational and irrational based on the heart's desire.)
- Infinite Supply (Six months at a minimum. He can dive into the water and can come out at any time he likes. The late Trilinga Swami of Benares used to live for six months underneath the Ganges.)
- Logic Manipulation/Miracle Performing (For example, one can make water enter into his eye and then again come out from within the eye. Simply by his will he can perform such wonderful activities.)
- Miracle Performing (The user can fly in the sky or walk on the water.)
- Nigh-Omnipotence Bestowal (Via the heart's desire.)
- Omni-Empowerment (By desiring it so.)
- Omni-Healing (People involved in the practice of Prakamya Siddhi believed that this practice has higher healing properties, which help to heal both physical and mental illnesses. But the ability to attain the Prakamya Siddhi varies among individuals because it may take a long to dedicate spiritual practices to achieve this level of spiritual attainment.)
- Omnipresence (Prakamya allows for all things as well as all knowledge.)
- Omni-Telepathy (The user can even listen to someone else's mind or whatever he thinks in his mind, even if the someone not tell us whatever he thinks, we can know what he is thinking.)
- Reality Warping (One experiences any enjoyable object, either in this world or the next.)
- Complete Arsenal (According to Yogis, Prakamya is described as "Gaining what the heart desires".)
- Unimind (Pervading everything.)
- Absolute Growth Inducement/Eternal Evolution/Eternal Transcendence/Infinite Abilities/Permanent Zenith Form/Power Level Infinitum (Possess such power as will never be frustrated in any desire.)
- Ishitva (इशित्व)
- Absolute Change (Isitva allows for the ability of changing the world.)
- Omni-Manipulation/Omni-Mastery (The user becomes the master of everything.)
- Absolute Command (Isitva is the commanding of things from empires to entire worlds or the universe as the lordship of everything.)
- Absolute Destruction (According to some Hindu texts, Isitva allows for the ability to annihilate anything at will.)
- Absolute Fate/Meta Space/Meta Time Manipulation/Omni-Mastery (Kṛṣṇa is called the supreme controller.)
- Absolute Illusion (Through iśitā-siddhi one can manipulate the subpotencies of māyā.)
- True Illusion (Even by acquiring mystic powers one cannot pass beyond the control of illusion.)
- Absolute Immortality (Kṛṣṇa never dies.)
- Absolute Law Manipulation (Whatever He desires is perfectly lawful.)
- Absolute Nature Manipulation (Isitva is the ability to control all material elements or natural forces. Various peoples had Isitva power, they could make tree grow instantly, rain down immediately and other many thing.)
- Absolute Separation (By being the lord of creation and separating enemies.)
- Absolute Will (Via being one with God or Ishvara.)
- Alpha Reality (Being one with God.)
- Absolute Domination/Author Authority (Īśitā means you can have control over so many persons and anything you want to control.)
- Complete Arsenal (Knowing all powers and getting a control over everyone and everything is known as Ishitva Siddhi.)
- Divine Power Manipulation (Isitva is the attainment of divine power.)
- Conceptual Lordship/Meta-Concept Manipulation (Via controlling and being the master of everything.)
- Curse Inducement (With a thought.)
- Godly Incarnation/Messiah/Prophet (Yugasristi, or Navayugapravartana. The ability to create a new order of civilization, a new era of cultural efflorescence, a new life style, a new system of values. This enables one to function as a figure of history or a person of destiny.)
- Indeterminacy (Irrational as Bhagvan or Ishvara.)
- Power Level Infinitum (The power of Isitva is not limited to just physical abilities.)
- Absolute Spirituality (It also includes the soul on an absolute level.)
- Omnicompetence (Over others.)
- Omni-Element Manipulation (The practitioner is able to get control on all the elements of universe and possess absolute lordship - When someone attains this siddhi, the earth will move per his/her wish, the sky will rain as one’s demand, the wind will move as his/her sign.)
- Omnifarious (Rupanirmana - The power to assume different forms and project entirely divergent images of oneself.)
- Omnificence (Isitva allows for the creation of anything such as entire worlds.)
- Divine Power Bestowal and a granter of Divine Physiology (Pararupantara. The ability to transform other people into what they essentially are, namely images of the Divine.)
- Omnificence Genesis (God is like a magician, creating everything out of nothing. The magician knows all the tricks, but those who watch the magic show don't know them and are affected by the illusions created by the magician. Similarly HE is not affected by the Saṃsāra (world), but those who watch this creation are affected by it.)
- Omni-Perception/Omni-Precognition (Siddhi of Ishitva, hence he could see the past and the future.)
- Omniscience (Isitva can also refer to Ishwara, literally meaning Lord where it allows for omniscience to be gained.)
- Pantheistic Deity (With complete mastery of Isitva.)
- Quantum String Manipulation (Via lordship.)
- Selective Transcendence (Via the transcendence of one's being. This enables one to control various energies. On the lowest level, one may make fire come from one’s mouth, etc.)
- Immunity to Absolute Law Manipulation (Related to nature and the physical world. Isitva can allow for one to defy the laws of nature.)
- Spiritual Force Manipulation (Allows for the control of the soul and all aspects related to it; This siddhi allows someone to wilfully disconnect their soul from their body or command people through their soul.)
- Supreme Voice (He gets the privilege to practice lordship on anyone from states to empires.)
- Unity (Becoming one with God ;The siddhi of Isitva is the achievement of rulership or becoming the Lord, which covers supremacy over creation and the capability to demolish as desired.)
- Universal Irreversibility (Whatever He decides cannot be changed by anyone.)
- Universal/Multiversal/Omniverse Manipulation (Controlling existence as a ruler.)
- Absolute Change (Isitva allows for the ability of changing the world.)
- Vashitva (वशित्व)
- Absolute Command (The control is generally irresistible and perfect. This perfection one can bring anyone under his control. This is a kind of hypnotism which is almost irresistible.)
- Absolute Cosmic Awareness/Absolute Senses/Enlightenment (The ultimate goal of Vasitva Siddhi is to attain enlightenment by liberating oneself from all attachments and desires.)
- Absolute Domination (Vaśitva is the ability to win and dominate over anyone and everyone.)
- Absolute Force Manipulation (Ability to create the universe by one’s facial expression; (ability of) blessing it; power of annihilating it.)
- Absolute Immortality (Grants victory over Death and over Time.)
- Absolute Invincibility/Invulnerability (One is unimpeded by the three modes of nature.)
- Absolute Fear/Damage Manipulation ((Through battle) as well as complete immunity to all Conceptual Powers, Omni Powers and Omnipotence Derivatives (With complete mastery. The one can make anyone win or lose. He cannot be won against in battle.)
- Omni-Immunity (Through vaśitā, one can keep oneself beyond the control of the three modes of nature.)
- Undefeatable (Battle would be included within the three modes of nature.)
- Absolute Love Inducement (This is also said to be enchantment and grants complete control of autonomy.)
- Absolute Pedagogy Mastery (Vasitva should allow for the complete understanding of skills to teach them to others.)
- Absolute Perspective Manipulation (Controlling all perspectives since Vasitva grants complete control over existence.)
- Absolute Searching Mastery (Searching all things.)
- Absolute Superpower Negation (The three modes pervade all aspects of life, be it person, music, action, emotion, food, work, faith, etc. The consciousness and quality of a person’s life is shaped by the modes they choose to associate with. Every person has a side of goodness, a side of passion, and a side of ignorance. Associating with a person or object of a particular mode, cultivates that same mode within us.)
- Absolute Will/Wish (It is the power of mesmerising persons by the exercise of will and of making them obedient to one’s own wishes and orders)
- Almighty Ascension (By being a master of existence.)
- Attribute/Quality/True Name Manipulation (Material energy is in a state of constant transformation, shifting over time from one form to the next, displaying various qualities. Material nature is expressed, and thus, perceived through these qualities.)
- Control Immunity (Vasitva can make one immune to the control of hypnosis of others forever.)
- Disease Immunity/Possession/Ultimate Body (Control over one's internal bodily organs, endocrine glands, energy centres, autonomic nervous system. This enormously increases one's power of resistance to disease, decay, and degenerative processes. One gains access to the secrets of rejuvenation and physical charm, vitality and longevity. One attains what is known as Icchamrityu, i.e., the ability to die or leave body at will.)
- Absolute Bio-Energetic Sourcing (The ability to control the mind and behaviour patterns of other people by projecting powerful suggestions into bioenergetic existence-field.)
- Anger Manipulation/Mental Projection (The ability to subdue the savage impulse, wrathfulness and aggressiveness of other living beings, human or animal. This is known as aridaman.)
- Self-Mastery (Mastery over one's own instinctual drives and urges, passions and motivations. This is known as Atmasamyama.)
- Absolute Bio-Energetic Sourcing (The ability to control the mind and behaviour patterns of other people by projecting powerful suggestions into bioenergetic existence-field.)
- Duality Transcendence (Via being non-dual.)
- Immutability/Omnilock (Vasitva grants true mastery over existence without much effort.)
- Indeterminacy (Irrational as controller of all things.)
- Life and Death Manipulation (The Yogi who has this power can restore life to the dead; By mastering this power, one can gain insight into the true nature of reality and achieve liberation from the cycle of birth and death.)
- Absolute Restoration (Kabir, Tulsidas, Akalkot Swami and others had this power of bringing back life to the dead.)
- Limited Supreme Voice/Mind Control/Reality Warping/Teleport Dash (Even with a fraction of Vasitva, it is said that "Sometimes it is found that a yogī who may have attained a little perfection in this vaśitā mystic power comes out among the people and speaks all sorts of nonsense, controls their minds, exploits them, takes their money and then goes away.")
- Logic Manipulation (Omnipotent level)/Thought Projection (The power of Vasitva Siddhi gives the yogi the ability to control and manipulate all aspects of the physical world. It is believed that with this power, a yogi can control the elements, animate and inanimate objects, and even other people’s thoughts and actions.)
- Spiritual Meditation (Furthermore, it is said that one can use this power to gain access to spiritual realms and divine knowledge.)
- Meta Matter Manipulation/Transmutation/Meta-Morphic Conversion (By controlling all aspects of the universe.)
- Obstacle/Passion Manipulation (A person in the mode of passion generally sees eating as a means to attaining some objective. This could mean eating what is most convenient in order to maximize time to work and achieve a particular goal, or it could mean eating nutritious food with the mentality that such food will provide the strength and health necessary to pursue a certain desire — be it bodily beauty, the opposite sex, a promotion in work, etc.)
- Omniarch (Vaśitva allows for one to become ruler of the cosmos.)
- Omnicompetence/Omnicounter (In battle and through life.)
- Omni-Element Manipulation (A person with this siddhi can control Panch Bhoota or the five elements.)
- Omni-Manipulation (Through being the master of everything.)
- Omni-Negation (Through negating one of the three modes of nature which is ignorance.)
- Omnipresence (Vasitva is said to be omnipresence itself.)
- Personal Domain (On an omnipotent scale. The universe is the user's domain.)
- Subjective Reality (Being the master of existence allows for the complete control of everything.)
- Boundary Manipulation (Controlling the boundaries of time and space or the heavens and the earth.)
- Kāmāvasāyitā (कामावसायिता)
- Absolute Miracle Manipulation (Miracles on the omnipotent level. According to Srila Pradhupada, Kāmāvasāyitā permits one to contradict nature.)
- Absolute Probability Manipulation (This allows the person to in other words, do the impossible.)
- Absolute Wish (One who has acquired kāmāvasāyitā-siddhi can obtain anything from anywhere.)
- Boundary Manipulation/Limitation Transcendence (Obtaining things to the highest possible limit.)
- Autopotence (Kāmāvasāyitā is said to be higher than the other eight siddhis.)
- Desire Manipulation (This siddhi is the power of suppressing desire, self-denial or mortification.)
- Omni-Mastery (Over the other siddhi and over one's own desires.)
- Omnifarious (One can assume any shape or form one may even whimsically desire.)
- Omni Identity (This ability to turn into any form also extends into all identities)
- Supreme Divinity (The highest of the eight and contains most of the abilities of the other perfections.)
- Absolute Miracle Manipulation (Miracles on the omnipotent level. According to Srila Pradhupada, Kāmāvasāyitā permits one to contradict nature.)
- Hindu Deity (The only Hindu deities who have this are Ganesha, Hanuman, Vishnu and Shiva.)
- Hinduism Mastery (The Siddhis are mostly done by Yogis who are predominantly Hindus.)
- Yogic Arts (Most Yogis are said to control the Siddhis.)
- Must be obtained through lack of ego/arrogance.
- Users' powers are surpassed by the Trimurti, their consorts and other such supreme beings and possibly other "demigod surpassing" beings/forces.
- Not all users are equal.
- May be vulnerable against Transcendent Weaponry.
- Transcendent Negation.
Known Users[]
- Zou Kang/Thundermind (DC Comics)
- Solar Aquarion (Genesis of Aquarion)
- Deities (Hindu Mythology)
- Shiva; as someone who gave Siddhis in Shaivism
- Ganesha; via the Siddhis being a consort of his
- Hanuman; via being described as the bestower of eight classical Siddhis
- Vishnu; via bearing the Siddhi
- Dhalsim (Street Fighter)
- Yoga Masters (Street Fighter)
- Beggar Man (The X-Files)
Based on the Vibhuti Pada, the third chapter of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, and the Bhagavata Purana/Skanda Purana.
- The parts in brackets for each of the Siddhis come from the English translation of the Bhagavata Purana and the Skanda Purana.
- Vasitva and Isitva's abilities are generally interchangeable according to Hindu texts.
- There are usually, in some renditions of the SB Cantos, nine Siddhis including Kāmāvasāyitā.
- Prakamya, Isitva and Vasitva are said to represent the three omnis: Prakamya is omnipresence, Isitva is omnipotence and Vasitva is omniscience however like Vasitva and Isitva in Hindu texts, the three omnis and their placement in each Siddhi is interchangeable.