Superpower Wiki
Superpower Wiki

The power to have a silicon-based physiology. Variation of Inorganic Mimicry and possible Alien Physiology. Not to be confused with Bionic Physiology, although they also use silicon-based materials.

Also Called[]

  • Silicon Body/Biology/Physiology/Mimicry
  • Silicon-Based Life


The user possesses a body with silicon-based biology making it distinct from all life on earth, which is carbon-based. Due to silicon being in the same family of elements as carbon, it is theorized that it can be a basis of a completely different bio-chemistry. Because of this, the users of this power are usually extra-terrestrial in origin. The user may receive certain boons and advantages from their alien bio-chemistry.




  • The user might need extremely high temperature to survive.
  • The user may not be able to eat the same things than carbon lifeforms.

Known Users[]



  • If there is a silicon lifeform, it DOESN'T mean they are robotic forms, robots aren't living beings and can be composed of carbon alloys of metals, not only silicon materials.