Superpower Wiki

 The power to manipulate Silicon. Variation of Mineral Manipulation and Periodic Table Powers.

Also Called

  • Crysalis Manipulation
  • Silicate Manipulation


User can create, shape and manipulate silicon, a tetravalent metalloid, pure silicon is crystalline, a gray in color and a metallic luster. It is rather strong, very brittle, prone to chipping and, like carbon and germanium, crystallizes in a diamond cubic crystal structure. It is highly reactive, readily either donating or sharing its four outer electrons, allowing for many forms of chemical bonding.

It is eighth most common element in the universe by mass, but very rarely occurs as the pure free element in nature. It is most widely distributed in dusts, sands, planetoids, and planets as various forms of silicon dioxide (silica) or silicates. Over 90% of the Earth's crust is composed of silicate minerals, making silicon the second most abundant element in the Earth's crust (about 28% by mass) after oxygen.





  • May be unable to create silicon, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources.
  • Distance and the amount of matter depends of the strength and skill of the user.

Known Users

  • Wan Chen (Seikoin no Qwaser)
  • Silicon (Marvel)
  • Shatterbird (Worm)
  • Mykah (Heroes)