Superpower Wiki

The ability to be in complete context with whatever situation one finds oneself in. Sub-power of Context Manipulation.

Also Called

  • Divine Grace
  • Perfect Timing
  • Synchronicity Wave Traveling


The user reaches a state of complete context with whatever situation they find themselves in, in other words being in the right place at exactly the right time. This state grants them unnaturally high degrees of luck in whatever they attempt, prevents fatal injuries from occurring when the user experiences a dangerous accident, and allows the user to meet the right type of ally for a specific task that requires expertise they do not possess.




  • User may still face danger and negative results if they consciously make a mistake that could detrimentally affect themselves.

Known Users

  • John Constantine (DC/Vertigo Comics)
  • Woozy Winks (DC Comics)
  • The Silver Horde (Discworld)