The ability to skate on any surface. Not to be confused by Skating Mastery.
Also Called[]
- Hyper/Super Skating
User can skate on any kind of surfaces without roller skates, ice skates or a skateboard. The user can thus skate like they were actually skating.
- Enhanced Agility
- Enhanced Athleticism
- Enhanced Balance
- Enhanced Speed
- Friction Manipulation
- Perfect Sliding
- Rope Sliding
- Skating Mastery
- Sliding
- Sliding Dash
- Supernatural Agility
- Unrestricted Movement
- May be limited to certain kinds of surface.
- Can still fall over if not careful.
- Can still lose control over very slippery surfaces like ice without Friction Negation.
Known Users[]
- Ice Kirby (Kirby Series)
- Chilly (Kirby Series)
- Mario (Mario Series) via Ice Flower
- Wendy O. Koopa (Mario Series)
- Freeze Blade (Skylanders)