The power to use the ability to transform into Sleipnir. Variation of Mythical Equid Physiology.
Also Called[]
- Sleipnir Mimicry
A user with this ability either is or can transform into Sleipnir. According to Norse myths, Sleipnir is a divine horse birthed by Loki in the form of a mare and Svadilfari the stallion. Sleipnir is the horse of Odin. Gray in colour, with eight legs, he is the best horse that exists, the fastest. He is able to ride the sky and the waters, and even along the other worlds. According to some sources, Sleipnir has runes engraved on his teeth.
Known Users[]
- Angelic Sleipnirs (The Battle Cats)
- Sleipmon (Digimon)
- Sleipnirs (Final Fantasy XII)
- Sleipnir (Final Fantasy XIV)
- Sleipnir (Marvel Comics)
- Sleipnir (Norse Mythology)
- Sleipnirs (Overlord)
- Sleipnir (Samurai Jack)