The power to walk on slippery surfaces. Sub-power of Enhanced Walking.
Also Called[]
- Slippery Surface Running
The user can walk on slippery surfaces without any trouble. This means they do not slip on the surfaces they walk on, and can maneuver on them so very well.
- Enhanced/Supernatural Agility
- Enhanced/Supernatural Endurance
- Enhanced/Supernatural Speed
- Enhanced Walking
- Flowmotion
- Friction Defiance
- Friction Manipulation
- Ice Manipulation
- Lubricant Manipulation
- Slime Manipulation
- Unrestricted Movement
- Water Generation
- May be limited to certain slippery surfaces.
- Movement may still be uncontrollable, if a little.
Known Users[]
- Rick the Hamster (Kirby)
- Goombas (Super Mario Odyssey)
- Lee Jaha (Return of the Mad Demon)