- "We fight together. That's what gives us power. A Shinigami and a Zanpakutō spirit combine to make one. We are only able to display our true power when our souls are in harmony with one another. Your foolish pride caused you to abandon the one you need right now. Alone, you cannot defeat us."
- ― Senbonzakura (Bleach)
- "A Meister and a weapon are like an electric guitar and an amp.The sound (soul wavelength) that comes from an electric guitar (Meister) by itself is rather faint...But when you connect an amp (Weapon) to it, the soul wavelength is amplified, giving it a lot of power."
- ― Shinigami, Soul Eater
Power to create a synchronization with other souls. Sub-power of Synchronization and Soul Manipulation. Not to be confused with Soul Merging.
Also Called[]
- Soul Tuning
- Tamashi no Kyumei
- Soul Resonance (Soul Eater)
User can harmonize their soul with other souls, synchronizing and multiplying spiritual strength of all participants.
- Requires synchronization of all members.
- May be limited for how many can be synchronized at once.
- Effects may be temporary.
Known Users[]
- Shinigami (Bleach); via Shikai and Bankai
- Shinra Kusakabe (Fire Force)
- Hecate (Shakugan No Shana)
- Meisters with Demon Weapons (Soul Eater); via Soul Resonance
- Crona with Ragnarok (Soul Eater); via Scream Resonance
- Soul Menace users (Soul Eater)
- MegaMan.EXE (Mega Man Battle Network); via Double Soul
- DigiDestined and their Soul/Beast Form (Digimon Frontier)
- BullBlack/Magna Defender (Seijuu Sentai Gingaman/Power Rangers Lost Galaxy)
- Shamans and Guardian Gosts (Shaman King); via Over Soul
- Ash-Greninja (Pokémon)
- Yellow (Pokémon Adventures) Itadori Yuji (jujutsu kaisen); via resonance with sukuna.
Known Objects[]
- Zanpakuto (Bleach)
- Soul Gem/Stone (Marvel Comics)
Using Double Soul, MegaMan.EXE (Mega Man Battle Network) can resonate with the souls of other NetNavis, allowing him to gain the abilities of the Navi along with additional powers.
Ash's Greninja (Pokémon) is able to assume a Mega Evolution-esque form, Ash-Greninja, through its strong resonance with its trainer.
Yellow (Pokémon Adventures) can synchronize spirits with her Pokémon, boosting their power levels to the mid-80s.
Shamans (Shaman King) like Asakura Yoh can use Over Soul to resonate with their Guardian Ghosts, like Amidamaru, "actualizing" the knowledge and memories of an apparition and allowing their memories to manifest essentially as magical powers.
The Zanpakutos (Bleach) ability to awaken their Shikai and Bankai depends mostly on their spiritual harmony with their wielders
Ichigo and Zangetsu (Bleach) having achieved complete harmony of their spiritual bond and connection to each other, was able to unleash absolute power in their Bankai Tensa Zangetsu, surpassing the Soul King enhanced Yhwach
Out of all the Shinigami Captain, Byakuya Kuchiki (Bleach) had an abnormally strong and close spiritual bond with his Senbonzakura, allowing his Zanpakuto to voluntarily activate its own Shikai and Bankai of its own will.
After training in the Soul King, Renji Abarai (Bleach) having gained the full acknowledgement of his Zanpakuto Zabimaru, was able to unleashed the true spiritual power of their Bankai Sōō Zabimaru.
Toshiro Hitsugaya (Bleach) had an especially close spiritual connection with his Zanpakuto Hyorinmaru, having managed to awaken its Bankai at a very young age compared to other Shinigami Captains.
after eighteen months of refining his mastery of Bankai, Toshiro and Hyorinmaru had realized their true power to the point their combined spiritual powers could defeat Gerard Valkyrie.
Having been blinded by his obsession with battles which he let go after Unohana's death, Kenpachi Zaraki (Bleach) was able to finally spiritually connect with his Zanpakuto Nozarashi to awaken his Shikai drawing out their true power.