Superpower Wiki
Superpower Wiki
"They were spectacular. We recorded thirty-four kills out of a possible thirty-six with no losses. If I hadn't been there, I'd think it was propaganda."
― Tycho Celchu on Rogue Squadron (Star Wars)
"Me, I'm the quintessential soldier who does his job very well. But what is that job? Two things: neutralizing Imperials and, the part I take most seriously, keeping my people alive."
― Wedge Antilles to Afyon (Star Wars Legends)

The ability to be a master of space-based warfare/operations. Variation of Military Mastery.

Also Called[]

  • Interstellar Operation/Warfare Expertise/Mastery
  • Space Operation Expertise/Mastery
  • Space Warfare Expertise


The user is proficient in space warfare, services, or operations, either innately or through training.





  • Deep Space Fleet Warfare Mastery - Mastery of space combat fought between major combatants such as battleships, space cruisers, and star destroyers. This is typified by the major space battle, but it also includes establishing zones of control and blockades, or conducting interdiction, counter-raider, and counter-piracy.
  • Deep Space Raider Warfare Mastery - Mastery of employing stealthy or cloaked minor combatants to launch surprise attacks, ambush major fleets, or suppress shipping lanes.
  • Satellite Warfare Mastery - Mastery of operations employing satellites to support terrestrial operations, deploying satellites to defend against extraterrestrial threats, or countering satellites employed by adversaries. This includes the employment of satellites as advanced sensors, communication notes, and/or weapons.
  • Terrestrial Defense Mastery - Mastery of defending a planet against extraterrestrial invasion or attack.
  • Terrestrial Landing Warfare Mastery - Mastery of planet invading operations aimed at gaining an initial foothold/lodgment from which to conduct protracted terrestrial based operations. This includes the suppression of planetary defense systems, initial troop landings/drops, and the sustained inflow of follow-on forces and logistics.


Known Users[]

See Also: Space Is Air, Space Opera, and Military Science Fiction.


  • Air Team Up And Sea Team Up And Land Team Up (Armored Fleet Dairugger 15)
    • Aki Manabu (Armored Fleet Dairugger 15)
    • Kai Shinobu (Armored Fleet Dairugger 15)
    • Shota Kreuz (Armored Fleet Dairugger 15)
    • Yasuo Mutsu (Armored Fleet Dairugger 15)
    • Patty Ellington (Armored Fleet Dairugger 15)
    • Miranda Keats (Armored Fleet Dairugger 15)
    • Saruta Katz (Armored Fleet Dairugger 15)
    • Tatsuo Izumo (Armored Fleet Dairugger 15)
    • Baros Karateya (Armored Fleet Dairugger 15)
    • Walter Jack (Armored Fleet Dairugger 15)
    • Moya Kirigas (Armored Fleet Dairugger 15)
    • Mack Chakker (Armored Fleet Dairugger 15)
    • Tasuku Izu (Armored Fleet Dairugger 15)
    • Kazuto Nagatos (Armored Fleet Dairugger 15)
  • Various Characters (Mobile Suit Gundam)
  • Admiral Rick Hunter (Robotech Saga)


  • Viltrum Empire (Invincible/Image Comics)
  • Allen the Alien (Invincible/Image Comics)


  • Transformers (Transformers)
  • Various Characters (Ben 10)
  • Rick Sanchez (Rick and Morty)
  • Various Characters (Voltron Legendary Defender)


Live Television/Movies[]

Video Games[]

Web Comics[]




Analysis & Discussions[]

