Superpower Wiki
"Captain, sensors are reading no particulate emissions or subspace field distortions."
"Then how is it able to move?"
"Method of propulsion is unknown, sir."
― Data and Jean-Luc Picard talking about the Cytherian Probe (Star Trek: TNG)

The power to operate without space. Sub-power of Spatial Manipulation. Opposite to Temporal Independence.

Also Called[]

  • Space Independence
  • Spatio Indepedence
  • Stepping Through Air (A Will Eternal)


The user is able to function and operate without space. This allows them to move/progress, act, and perform without the existence of this concept, hence they do not need space to carry out their normal tasks.






Known Users[]

  • The Creator (Final Fantasy Legend)
  • Great Red (Highschool DxD)
  • SCP-3004 - Imago/The Stained Glass Cicada (SCP Foundation)
  • Veldanava (That Time I Got Reincarnated As a Slime)
  • Hunger Birds (The Ocean At The End of The Lane)
  • Blackball (Planescape)
  • Jin En Mok (Vertigo Comics)
  • Lucifer Morningstar (Vertigo Comics)
  • The One Giver (World of Darkness)

Known Objects[]

  • Void Ship (Doctor Who)
  • Cytherian Probe (Star Trek: TNG)

Known Locations[]

  • The House of the Maker (The First Law)
  • Far Realm (Forgotten Realms)