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The ability to manipulate spatial relations. Sub-power of Spatial Manipulation.

Also Called[]

  • Spatial Path Control/Manipulation
  • Spatial Relation Control


The user can manipulate spatial relations, meaning they can do things like change where a path to a place leads, or what its destination is, or change the time it takes to travel through the path, its size, and more. The user can also close or create paths.

Unlike Path Manipulation, which is limited to the environmental paths such as roads, trails, bridges, streets, etc., this does not change those things. Instead, they manipulate the spatial and temporal aspects of paths, or spatial relations. Also, Spatial Relation Manipulation can manipulate trajectories as well.




  • The user may only have control over a specific spatial relationship.
  • Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user, and their power's natural limits.

Known Powers[]

  • Warp Path (Demon: The Fallen)