The ability to wield or create weapons that can manipulate space. Variation of Power Weaponry and Spatial Object.
Also Called[]
- Spatial Weapons
- Weapons of Space
User can create or wield any kind of weaponry that has power over space, which grants the user of wide variety of spatial abilities such as controlling the distance between two objects, creating dimensional portals or contorting space in any way the user sees fit. This ability is not only specific to mystic weapons, but also technologically advanced weapons. The power of the weapons depends on what they were created for or what level of spatiokinetic ability they posses.
- Spatial Bow Construction
- Spatial Blade Construction
- Spatial Polearm Construction
- Spatial Ranged Weaponry
- Absolute Attack
- Dimensional Manipulation
- Dimensional Weaponry
- Power Weaponry
- Powerful Objects
- Quantum Weaponry
- Reality Weaponry
- Spatial Constructs
- Spatial Object
- Spatial Technology
- Temporal Weaponry
- Weapon may not possess all power over time.
- Weapon can be taken away or destroyed.
- Effects caused by the weapon may be irreversible.
- Spatial-Temporal Lock and Omnilock void this power.
Known Users[]
- Skull Knight (Berserk)
- Mukuro Hoshimiya (Date A Live)
- White Queen (Date A Bullet)
- Users of the Yamato (Devil May Cry)
- Vergil (DmC: Devil May Cry)
- Dave Jones (Paranatural)
- Leonardo (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
- Rution/Ultraman Arc (Ultraman series); via Galaxy Armor
Known Weapons[]
- Sword of Actuation (Berserk)
- Yamato (Devil May Cry)
- Yamato (DmC: Devil May Cry)
- Subtle knife (His Dark Materials Trilogy)
- Arc Feathers (Ultraman series)
Much like his other version, Vergil (DmC: Devil May Cry) is capable of using the Yamato to slice through space.