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Task Force 141 is one of the two premier special operations forces in the Call Of Duty universe.


Sam Fisher, a retired Navy SEAL and fully trained Splinter Cell, is a master of virtually all aspects of special warfare and espionage.

Badassery0730 (talk) 20:28, July 29, 2012 (UTC)The ability to innately or through advanced training have special operations skills and maintain them without the need of further training.

Also Called

  • Advanced Special Warfare
  • Advanced Guerilla Warfare
  • Intuitive Special Warfare
  • Enhanced Special Operatons
  • Enhanced Special Forces Skills


User is able to become almost superhumanly skilled in all forms of special operations included but not limited to, Counterterrorism, Guerilla Wafare, Direct Action, Counteinsurgency, Assassination, Close Target Reconnaissance, and many others. The ability to conduct these actions with such skill can either originate form advanced training, mental programming or even supernatural/superhuman powers. Also, when combined with high intellect and a high level of physical ability, the user can create completely new possibly unbeatable methods of special operations.


  • Become skilled in multiple forms of black operations and by extension espionage.
  • Obtain near-mythical level abilities in specialized combat training.
  • Adapt to various tactics and techniques almost instantly.




  • Could use control when learning a new combat skill.
  • May require a certain level of exposure i.e. advanced training or combat manuals.
  • If user does not have supehuman endurance, strength, or speed they are still vulnerable to human weaknesses.