Superpower Wiki
"He's faster than anyone I've ever seen. Never falters. Their weapons never come near him."
― James Gordon on the Batman's speed (Batman The Mad Monk)
"Wow! Now I don't suppose you'll tell me how you did that so fast. As, you know, a professional courtesy."
― Quinn to Matt Murdock/Daredevil (Daredevil 1998 #63)

The power to be faster than average/normal humans. Sub-power of Peak Human Condition. Real world version of Enhanced Speed.

Also Called[]

  • Exceptional Speed
  • Effective Speed
  • Enormous Physical Speed
  • Formidable Speed
  • High Physical Human Speed
  • Honed Speed 
  • Immense Human Speed
  • Indomitable Speed
  • Maximum Human Speed
  • Near/Nigh/Semi-Enhanced Speed
  • Near/Nigh/Semi-Inhuman Speed
  • Near/Nigh/Semi-Superhuman Speed
  • Peak-Human Level of Speed
  • Peak Physical Speed
  • Peak of Human Physical Speed
  • Superior Human Speed
  • Tremendous Physical Speed
  • Vast Physical Speed
  • Low-Level Superhuman Speed


The user’s speed is at the highest limit of human potential. They are much faster than Olympic class runners. As they can get up to speeds of 60 to 80 kph (39-47 mph).

This speed allows the user to be significantly faster than other humans. They are able to chase/outrun wolves, racehorses, and catch up with vehicles. They are fast enough to run on walls for certain periods of time, sprint across small bodies of water, and even move fast enough to appear to teleport short distances or disappear from the eyes of an observer.

They can take down small groups of people in seconds before they can react. They can dodge bullets fired at point-blank ranges and outrun horizontally moving lines of gunfire coming from rapid-fire weapons, such as machine guns.




  • Peak Human Speed - Users can move as fast as humanly possible. They can reach a level of speed as fast as 45 km/h - 64 km/h. They are as fast as moving vehicles like cars/trucks/rapid transit trains and wild animals and are fast enough to dodge projectiles and run on walls.
  • Enhanced Speed - Users can move at superhuman speed, 44.7 - 123.4 kph, making it very difficult for one to be able to react to them. The users of this ability are also very resistant or even outright immune to the side effects of moving at such speeds.
  • Supernatural Speed - User can move blatantly faster than other people in their universe, reaching into high superhuman territory.
    • Type I: Users can move at a speed of 189-405 kph, subsonic speed. They can move faster than the eye can see.
    • Type II: Users can move at a speed of 617 - 6174 kph, beyond supersonic speed and reaching hypersonic speed at their fastest.
    • Type III: Users can move at a speed of 6175 - 1.0793e+7 kph, beyond hypersonic speed and reaching relativistic speed at their fastest.
    • Type IV: Users can move at a speed of 3.353e+8 - 6.706e+8 mph, faster than relativistic speed. They can move near, at, or beyond the speed of light.
    • Type V: Users can move at a speed of 6.706e+10 - 6.706e+11 mph, massively faster than the speed of light. They are able to move at , circling and traveling anywhere instantly within the infinite universe. Teleportation does not count.
  • Absolute Speed - Users have "immeasurable" speed. Their speed cannot be measured as they can move beyond linear time. Given that Speed = Distance divided by Time (S = D/T), if Time is undefined the speed formula cannot be applied. However, immeasurable speed is superior to infinite speed, which is defined as movement in zero time. The difference between those two is that beings that can travel at infinite speeds can go everywhere instantly, whereas beings that can travel at immeasurable speeds can go everywhere and everywhen faster than instantly. It's like when users manage to instantly reach the beginning or the end of an infinite universe that virtually has no beginning or end because of its infinite size with their speed. Users are beyond the concepts of speed and the speed of dimensions of space and time itself.


  • Users' speed is not classified as Enhanced Speed.
  • May be easily defeated by beings with Supernatural Speed, while users of Absolute Speed can defeat them without a problem.
  • Users are vulnerable to others that own either Speed Cancellation, or Speed Theft.
  • Users are vulnerable against Gravity Manipulation due to the change in body weight.
  • Like all physical powers a user will usually slow down and become less effective with age (starting in mid-30s or so, in most verses) unless they are an Old Prime or have some other superhuman ability to counter the ageing process.

​Known Users[]


  • Shizuku Yaegashi (Arifureta Sekai Saikyou)
  • Mr. Satan (Dragon Ball series)
  • Sumihiko Kamado (Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba)
  • Neruma Isami (Neru: Way of the Martial Artist)
  • Various Characters (Kingdom)
  • Various Characters (Kenganverse)
  • Hayato Fūrinji (History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi)
  • Various Characters (Naruto)
  • Might Guy (Naruto) ; In Base form
  • Shinichi Izumi (Parasyte); after merging with Migi's cells
  • Ryoma Mikoshiba (Record of Wortenia War)
  • Uruma Shun (Juujika no Rokunin)
  • Loid Forger (Spy X Family)


  • Various Characters (Marvel Comics)
  • Various Characters (DC Comics)


  • Conan (Conan the Barbarian)
  • The Winter Knight (The Dresden Files)
  • The Summer Knight (The Dresden Files)
  • Triple Ace (The Young Guardians)
  • Jack Sullivan (The Last Kids in Earth)
  • Quint Baker (The Last Kids on Earth)
  • June Del Toro (The Last Kids on Earth)
  • Dirk Savage (The Last Kids on Earth)
  • Wormungulous (The Last Kids on Earth)


  • Needle (Battle For Dream Island)
  • Black Dynamite (Black Dynamite)
  • Dos (Generator Rex)
  • Five (Generator Rex)
  • Six (Generator Rex)
  • Snake Eyes (G.I. Joe)
  • Marvin Hinton/Roadblock (G.I. Joe)
  • Shana O’Hara/Scarlett (G.I. Joe)
  • Storm Shadow (G.I. Joe)
  • Jack (Samurai Jack)
  • Daughters of Aku (Samurai Jack)
  • Huntsman (Freakazoid)

Live Television/Films

  • Michael Myers (Halloween)
  • Jason Voorhees (Friday The 13th)
  • Beatrix Kiddo (Kill Bill)
  • O-Ren Ishii (Kill Bill)
  • Supernatural Hunters (The Vampire Diaries/The Originals)
    • Brotherhood of the Five
    • Jeremy Gilbert

Video Games

  • Various Creatures (Ark: Survivar Evolved)
    • Allosaurus
  • Hercules (God of War)
  • Black Ops Assassins (Hλlf-Life series)
  • Witches (Left 4 Dead series)
  • Link (The Legend of Zelda)
  • The Common Infected (Left 4 Dead series)
  • The Uncommon Infected (Left 4 Dead 2)
  • Ranger (Quake series)
  • The Scout (Team Fortress 2)
  • Chris Redfield (Resident Evil series)
  • Leon S. Kennedy (Resident Evil series)

Web Animation/Comics/Original/Series

Real life





Video Games[]

