The power to reflect spells. Sub-power of Spell Casting. Variation of Attack Reversal.
Also Called[]
- Spell Deflection
- Spell Rebound
- Spell Turning
Users can reflect the spells of others, usually back at the caster or aside to a safe distance.
- Attack Reversal
- Magic
- Magic Immunity
- Power Reflection
- Reflective Immutability
- Spell Casting
- Spell Immunity
- More powerful spells may get through reflection.
- If cast for long-term, it may eventually run out.
Known Users[]
- Anti-Mage (Dota 2)
- Declan O'Carroll (Demon Accords)
- Aeos (Super Dragon Ball Heroes); via Time Rail Magic
- Tarrasque (Dungeons and Dragons)
- Anna Asakura (Shaman King)
- The Darkness/Amara (Supernatural)
- Magic Users (Harry Potter); via Spell Casting
- Lily Potter
- Lord Voldemort
- Harry Potter
- Diablo (How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord)
- Ozma (RWBY)
- Elijah Booker (Arkwell Academy); only immune to Dusty Everhart's magic
- Mira Yamana (Trinity Seven); via Gehenna Scope
Known Objects[]
- The Ring of Spell Turning (Dungeons and Dragons)
- Spell Turning spell (Dungeons and Dragons)
- Guardian Amulet (WITS Academy)
- Demon Lord's Ring (How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord)