- "The Star Forge is the glory of the Builders, the apex of their Infinite Empire. It is a machine of invincible might, a tool of unstoppable conquest."
- ― The Overseer (Star Wars Legends)
The ability to create Starships from anything users want. A sub-power of Starship Manipulation. Variation of Technology Generation.
Also Called[]
- Alien Ship Creation
- Flying Saucer Creation
- UFO Creation/Generating
User can create UFOs of any shape or size, for transportation purposes, for surveillance, for attack and defense, etc.
- Defense Saucers: Users are able to defend themselves.
- Mini UFO Spy Cams: Users are able to spy or scout out areas.
- UFO Boards: Users are able create small board like UFOs to transport them, or whatever they want.
- Advanced Technology
- Starship Manipulation
- Energy Manipulation
- Force-Field Generation
- Interstellar Travel
- Laser Emission
- Lateral Repulsion
- Magnetic Levitation
- Magnetic Projectile
- Missile Generation
- Plasma Manipulation
- Power Augmentation
- Pulse Manipulation
- Megastructure Creation
- Radio Frequency Detection
- Satellite Generation
- Sentient Vehicle
- Sound Manipulation
- Sound Nullification (The UFOs themselves)
- Sound Wave Generation
- Soundwave Perception
- Targeting
- Teleportation
- Tractor Beam Emission
- Volatile Constructs
- Warp Energy Field Manipulation
- Weapon Manipulation
- Users may be limited to shape and size.
- May need a power source.
Known Users[]
See Also: Casual Interstellar Travel, Space Is Air, and Faster Than Light Travel.
- Eon (Ben 10)
- Helena Blavatsky (Fate/Grand Order); via Sanat Kumara
- Fantomex (Marvel Comics); via E.V.A.
- Futaba Sakura (Persona 5); via Necronomicon/Prometheus
- Boss X (Saga Frontier)
- Nue Houjuu (Touhou Project)
- Doc (Kirby series)
- Ancients (Stargate SG-1)
- Ptah (Stargate SG-1)
- Ori (Stargate SG-1)
- Tau'ri/Humans (Stargate SG-1)
- Various Species (Star Wars Legends)
- Warp-capable Species (Star Trek)
- Various Characters (Outsider)
Known Objects[]
- Star Forge (Star Wars Legends)
- Lantern Power Rings (DC Comics)
The Star Forge (Star Wars Legends) was a massive space station that uses stars as fuel and resources to build an infinite number of ships.
A class of Imperial Super Star Destroyer manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards, the Eclipse-class dreadnought (Star Wars Legends) carried an axial superlaser, similar to but significantly less powerful than one of the component beams used in the Death Star's superlaser.
Constructed at the behest of Emperor Palpatine during the second year of the Galactic Empire, the Eye of Palpatine (Stars Wars Legends) was a colossal, asteroid-shaped super dreadnaught.
Analysis & Discussions[]
Building Your Interstellar Navy - Ship Types, Naming Conventions, & Fleet Doctrines-2