Superpower Wiki
"Silent Kill: River Styx Slash!"
― Brook (One Piece)
"Even a group of 50 assassins would be slain by him before they realized it."
― Jango on Kuro’s Pussyfoot Maneuver (One Piece)

The ability to utilize stealth with physical combat. Variation of Combat Merging.

Also Called

  • Hyper-Stealth Combat
  • Stealth Fighting
  • Stealth Physical Combat
  • Stealth Striking


User can combine stealth with physical fighting, allowing them to make surprise attacks on opponents and attack without being seen or caught. They can sneak around an opponent unnoticed and strike when they have the chance, move around their opponent while possibly playing tricks or doing stealthy attacks on them, etc.




  • Efficiency depends on the user's own level of skill.
  • Most effective only when the user is not caught.
  • May have a hard time finding opponent if opponent has the same power.

Known Users

  • Assassins (Assassins Creed)
  • Ban (Nanatsu no Taizai)
  • Various Shinobi (Naruto)
  • Kuro (One Piece)
  • Brook (One Piece)
  • Kyou Kai (Kingdom)
  • Michael Myers (Halloween)
  • Akihiro Daken (Marvel Comics)
  • Jason Vorhees (Friday the 13th)

