Superpower Wiki
"Where...where does your food go?"
― Steve Smith after seeing Karl Roves physical body (American Dad)
"Look at you people, with you're chewing. I'm disgusted."
― Xykon (The Order of the Stick)

The ability to lack stomachs. Sub-power of Redundant Physiology. Variation of Organ Independence.

Also Called[]

  • The Stomachless


The user lacks stomachs, though they will often be able to function as if they still had them, such as being live or even breathe without lungs. They may be able to achieve feats that they otherwise couldn't because they lack those stomachs, for example, they may not get sick from trying to eat certain things.




  • May need some other way of eating digesting in order to digest foods.
  • Organ Generation can create stomachs for the user.

Known Users[]

  • Fern (Adventure Time)
  • Karl Rove (American Dad)
  • Paris the Puppet (The Dummy's Dummy)
  • Toshinori Yagi (My Hero Academia)
  • Dominik the Unquenchable (Pathfinder)
  • SCP-939 - With Many Voices (SCP Foundation)
  • Common Tyranids (Warhammer 40k)
  • Hou (You Shou Yan/Fabulous Beasts)

