The power to use storage-related magic. Form of Magic. Variation of Dimensional Storage.
Also Called[]
- Carriage/Carrier/Luggage Magic/Skill
- Inventory Magic
The user possesses the ability to utilize magic that allows them to contain something or even someone. In addition, they can also organize their storage and preserve its content for long periods of time, if not permanently.
- Personal Storage
- Hidden Arsenal
- Limited Container Manipulation - Sorting one's inventory.
- Limited Preservation Magic
- Limited Spatial Magic
- Magical Space Manipulation
- Pocket Dimension Creation
- Inventory Expansion
- Absolute Storage - At its peak capacity.
- Inventory Expansion
- There may be a max capacity, unless they have infinite volume.
- May can only put specific things in it.
Known Users[]
- Requip Magic Users (Fairy Tail)
- Bisca Connell
- Erza Scarlet
- Link (The Legend of Zelda)
- Niffler (Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts)
Known Objects[]
- Magic Pouch (Madan no Ichi/Ichi the Witch)
- Santa Claus' sack (Stories/Various media)
Erza (Fairy Tail) can use her Requip "The Knight" to trade in and out different armors/clothes from a storage dimension
Caprico/Zoldeo (Fairy Tail) with their Human Subordination Magic can recall Grimoire Troops in a separate dimension.