Superpower Wiki
"A Saiyan's strength has no limits!"
― Vegeta, Dragon Ball Super

The ability to possess continuously increasing strength.

Also Called

  • Ever Increasing Strength
  • Strength Infinity


User has strength that increases over time and training without limit to how strong they can become and can increase their strength for essentially forever. This makes their potential for strength limitless and immeasurable. With training users can learn to control their might to helps them in situations that require greater strength.




  • Speed or other physical attributes may degrade or collapse over time due to the continuous increase of their strength in short periods of time.
  • May need to commit a certain action or fulfill a certain condition for their strength to increase.
  • Users may gain a level of strength to great that can cause catastrophe and/or boredom.
  • May be weak against Downgrading.

Known Users

  • Asura (Asura's Wrath)
  • Kryptonians (DC Comics)
  • Saiyans (Dragon Ball Series)
    • Son Goku
    • Vegeta
    • Broly
  • Issei Hyoudou (Highschool DxD); via Boosted Gear
  • Hela (Marvel Cinematic Universe); while on Asgard
  • Hulk (Marvel Comics)
  • Shin (The New Gate); via Linchpin

Known Objects

  • Boosted Gear (Highschool DxD)
  • World Savior (Overlord)

