The power to rapidly propel oneself through water in a submarine-like manner. Variation of Supernatural Swimming.
Also Called[]
- Boat Propulsion
- Marine Propulsion
The user can spin parts of their bodies or objects they wield/carry like marine propellers to achieve high-speed swimming. This can be done either on the surface of the water or under it.
- Helicopter Propulsion
- Propeller Protrusion
- Submarine Mimicry
- Supernatural Swimming
- Swimming Manipulation
- Swimming Negation
- May only be able to maintain it for limited periods.
Known Users[]
- Sora (Kingdom Hearts series)
- Scooby-Doo (Scooby-Doo)
- Miles "Tails" Prower (Sonic the Hedgehog series)
- Rayman (Rayman series)