Superpower Wiki

The power to be a demon that has superpowers that normal demons do not have. Variation of Demon Physiology and Empowered Subject Physiology. Opposite to Superior Angel Physiology and Mutated Demon Physiology.

Also Called

  • Advanced Demon Physiology
  • Empowered Demon Physiology
  • Metademon/Neodemon/Superdemon Physiology
  • Micromutated Demon Physiology (Rational Only)


The users are demons who have been empowered to be given brand new other powers in addition to their coexisting physiology power sets. Just exactly like other empowered races, Superdemons are much more powerful than normal demons yet they can use those granted abilities constructively thanks to their intellect.

Empowered Demons can also be divided into two categories:


Metademons of this category gain their powers via evolution, birth, genetic engineering, or exposure to radiation or biohazardous substances, like mutagens, or any other methods that involve genetic experimentation in that regard.
In one way or another, certain Meta-Demons that are of this classification might have minor physical changes, like their irises changing to any color like a fiery shade of red, yellow, purple, etc, retractable claws or spikes, color of the skin being changed, among others. In fact, these kinds of superdemons will be able to possess powers without their physiology being altered.


Non-scientific individuals gain their powers by being given them, enchantment, blessing, granted wishes, etc., without bio-engineering based alternatives. Unlike scientific-based superdemons this category of metademons wouldn't have to be able to suffer mutations and instability of their DNA, which can be caused in certain specific ways. Unlike rational based metademons they are more likely to maintain their respective physiology because they don't share the same genetic unpredictably that rational-based neodemons are more likely to have.

Applications (General)

Applications (Detail)

Powers that users may possess, but are not limited to:


Known Users

  • Spectres (DOOM 2016)
  • Neyaphems (Marvel Comics); Rational
    • Nightcrawler
    • Azazel
  • Ilyanna Rasputina (Marvel Comics); Irrational
  • Infernal Hulk (Marvel Comics); Rational
  • Demons (Dragon Ball); Irrational

