Superpower Wiki

The power to use the abilities of a machine that possesses powers. Variation to Bionic Physiology and Empowered Physiology. Opposite to Cyber Mutant Physiology.

Also Called

  • Advanced/Augmented/Enhanced/Empowered Machine Physiology
  • Machina Superior/Superius Physiology
  • Micromutated Android/Cyborg Physiology (Rational Only)
  • Meta-Android/Neoandroid/Superandroid Physiology
  • Metacyborg/Neocybrog/Supercybrog Physiology
  • Metamachine/Neomachine/Supermachine Physiology
  • Metarobot/Neorobot/Super-Robot Physiology
  • Modified Machine (Rational Only)


The user either is or can become an empowered machine, which can either be robots, artificial intelligences, cyborgs, androids, etc. Depending on their power sets, they can rival the most powerful threats in combat and their technological AIs can also possibly be more superior to modern ones due to being proficiently built. Some others can possibly be immune or resistant to weaknesses associated with machines.

Supermachines can be divided into two separate categories:


Metamachines of this category gain their powers through evolution, genetic engineering, modification, exposition to radiation or biohazardous substances, like mutagens, or other scientific means.


Non-scientific machines gain their powers by being given them, enchantment, blessing, granted wishes, etc., without engineering based alternatives.

Applications (General)

Applications (Detail)

Powers that users may possess, but are not limited to:




  • Unless they have specific immunities/resistances, users may have the same weaknesses as regular machines.
    • Users with Technology Manipulation may render the user helpless, unless the Supermachines also have this power ability themselves in accordance to their power sets.
    • Users may still short circuit if they are hit by various kinds of liquids alike, such as water.
    • May still be vulnerable to electromagnetic pulses and various electricity powers.
    • Metamachines may still be susceptible to computer viruses.
    • Empowered machines may still be limited to fulfill their programming.
    • As all kinds of machines are technological, they may still need a reliable source of energy to stay active.

Known Users

  • Bartholomew Kuma (One Piece)
  • Nathan Christopher Charles Summers/Cable (Marvel Comics)
  • Peter Benjamin Parker/Spider-Man of Earth-2818 (Marvel Comics)
  • Ultron (Marvel Comics)
  • Mark X/Future Sentinels (X-Men: Days of Future Past)
  • Stemroller (Teen Titans/DC Comics)
  • Cyborg Superman (DC Comics)
  • The Metallikats (Swat Kats: The Radical Squadron)
  • Robot Masters (Mega Man)
  • Mavericks (Mega Man)
  • Stardroids (Mega Man)

