- "Guess even these expensive surveillance cameras are no match for a warrior's perception"
- ― Shingen Yashida (The Wolverine)
- "Good ol' Spidey-Sense. I'd be lost without it!!"
- ― Peter Parker/Spider-Man (Marvel Comics)
- "There's some milk in the refrigerator that's about to go bad...and there it goes."
- ― Bobby Hill (King of the Hill)
The power to have an increased sense of awareness. Sub-power of Supernatural Senses.
Also Called[]
- Complete Situation Awareness
- Enhanced Awareness
- Hyper Awareness
- Hypersensitivity
- Self-Awareness
- Spider/Spidey-Sense (Marvel Comics)
The user has a much more advanced level of awareness than an ordinary person, and while ordinary people only notice things in general, they notice in detail. For this reason, users can plan and implement strategically and tactically what they should decide and how they should act, without missing anything. The user has an increased sense of awareness far above those of the user's species, often to the extent that few, if any, little details miss their notice.
- 360-Degree Senses
- Air Current Sense
- Aura Detection
- Blindsight
- Detail Detection
- Electroreception
- Enhanced Synesthesia
- Enhanced/Supernatural Tracking
- Error Detection
- Foreign Forces Detection
- Hyper Self-Awareness
- Identity Recognition
- Lie Detection
- Naming Awareness
- Pattern Sense
- Radar
- Sonar
- Spatial Perception
- Supernatural Detection
- Supreme Observation
- Synergy Detection
- Tactical Analysis
- Thermoreception
- Time Synchronicity
- Truth Detection
- Vibration Detection
- Water Detection
- Weakness Detection
- Weather Sensing
- Weak against Awareness Distortion and Sensory Overload.
- User may experience Sensory Overload if this power is used for too long.
- While a user may be able to sense, this ability is pointless if they're too slow to move.
- This power is not a Sixth Sense.
Known Users[]
See Also: Hyper Awareness.
- Hajime Nagumo (Arifureta Sekai Saikyou)
- Alice Fuji (Arachnid)
- Azumi (Azumi)
- Claire Stanfield (Baccano!)
- Various Characters (Baki the Grappler)
- Kazuo Kiriyama (Battle Royale)
- Guyver Unit Hosts (Bio-Booster Armor Guyver)
- Sho Fukamachi/Guyver I
- Agito Makishima/Guyver III
- Kaname Tousen (Bleach)
- Kenpachi Azashiro (Bleach)
- Rein Kashiwagi (Darwin's Game)
- Satou Pendragon (Death March to Parallel World Rhapsody)
- Shinichi Kudo/Conan Edogawa (Detective Conan/Case Closed)
- Super 17 (Dragon Ball GT)
- Ibara (Dr. Stone)
- Kei Kazaoka (Chousuinou Kei ~ Makafushigi Jiken File ~)
- Various Characters (Naruto series)
- Various Characters (Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba)
- Ihwa/Hero Killer (Hero Killer)
- Jintae Yang (Hero Killer)
- Various Characters (Kingdom)
- Tatsuya Shiba (The Irregular at Magic High School)
- Electromasters (To Aru Majutsu no Index & To Aru Kagaku no Railgun)
- Naitou (Why, Naitou?)
- Precht (Fairy Tail Zero)
- Goblin Slayer (Goblin Slayer)
- Kars (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part II: Battle Tendency)
- Sasaki Kojirō (Record of Ragnarok); via Manjō Musō
- Lee Jaha (Return of the Mad Demon)
- Kumoko/Shiraori (So I'm a Spider, So What?)
- Loid Forger/Twilight (Spy x Family)
- Yor Forger/Thorn Princess (Spy x Family)
- Various Characters & Creatures (Toriko)
- Thomas Richard Schubaltz (Zoids)
- Ghost Sense Users (Danny Phantom)
- Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony Series)
- Cheese Sandwich (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
- Maud Pie (My Little Pony Series)
- Black Hat (Villainous)
- Various Characters (DC Comics)
- Practitioners of the Hercules Method (The Strange Talent of Luther Strode)
- Various Characters (Usagi Yojimbo)
- Various Characters (Marvel Comics)
- Barlida (A.R. Hicks Series)
- Mackiel Roy "Macroy" (A.R. Hicks Series)
Live Television/Movies
- Hyperkinetic Alphas (Alphas)
- Navigator Alphas (Alphas)
- Gabby
- Jason Bourne (The Bourne series)
- Adam (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
- Angel (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
- Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
- Human Intersect (Chuck)
- Charles Irving "Chuck" Bartowski
- The Doctor (Doctor Who)
- Agent J (Men in Black)
- River Tam (Firefly/Serenity)
- Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)
- Gregory House (House)
- Peter Pan (Once Upon A Time)
- Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock Holmes)
- Data (Star Trek series)
- Force Users (Star Wars)
- Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
- Sam Winchester (Supernatural)
- Rosyuo (Kamen Rider Gaim)
- Brian Finch via NZT-48 (Limitless)
- Edward Morra via NZT-48 (Limitless)
Web Animation/Comics/Series/Original
- Maria Calavera (RWBY)
- Kim Taehoon ("The First Hunter")
Video Games
- Users of Eagle Vision/Eagle Sense (Assassin's Creed)
- Adam Jensen (Deus Ex Series)
- Various Characters (Reverse: 1999)
- Bkornblume
- Marcus
- Vertin
- X
- Chuck Norris (Various Media)
Known Objects[]
- NZT-48 (Limitless)
- Calypso Serum (Marvel Comics)
- Heart-Shaped Herb (Marvel Comics)
- Heart-Shaped Herb (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Super-Soldier Serum (Marvel Comics)
- Super-Soldier Serum(Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Processor Suit (Toaru Majutsu no Index)
Known Powers/Techniques[]
- Unique Sensory Perceptions of Electric-type Espers (A Certain Magical Index)
- Laplace (Darwin's Game)
- Ultra Sensitivity (Dragon Ball Series)
- Compass Needle (Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba)
- See-Through World (Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba)
Alice Fuji (Arachnid) has trained to use her mental disorder, Congenital Excessive Concentration, as a way to be aware of every detail and threat around her.
Having been blind since birth, Kaname Tousen (Bleach) trained his spiritual senses to give him deep awareness of his surroundings.
Kenpachi Azashiro (Bleach: Spirits Are Forever With You) using his Bankai, "Urozakuro", to fuse his sensory with the entire environment of the Seireitei, becoming aware of everything and even bypassing Aizen's "Complete Hypnosis".
Super 17 (Dragon Ball GT) can automatically sense and processes every change in the air, sound, vibration, etc. in his surroundings, allowing him to predict Goku's Instant Transmission.
The Goblin Slayer (Goblin Slayer) is extremely alert of his surroundings, allowing him to detect goblins hiding in complete darkness.
Using their head sensors, Guyver Units (Guyver) can sense electromagnetic fields outside of their direct line of physical sight, allowing such feats as thermal imaging and the ability to home in on sound waves and pick up on vibrations within the atmosphere.
From his time in the Orcus Dungeon, Hajime Nagumo (Arifureta Sekai Saikyou) developed tremendous awareness, instantly detect any dangers, ambush and sneak attacks.
Thanks to her strengthened and trained senses, Ka Rin (Kingdom) can easily sense an incoming spear without even looking.
Thanks to his strengthened and trained senses, Ri Shin (Kingdom) can sense the subtle hints and changes of his surrounding area, like picking up on a surprise ambush.
Live Television/Movies[]
Adam (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) has such a high sense of awareness that he is immune to both mind control and reality alterations.
Angel (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) was once able to use his Enhanced Memory to perfectly reconstruct a crime scene and identify a suspect.
Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) possesses a heightened awareness of her surroundings, allowing her to fight while blindfolded...