Superpower Wiki
Superpower Wiki

The power to use supernatural and paranormal power(s) via a whip. Variation of Supernatural Weaponry and Esoteric Object.

Also Called[]

  • Esoteric/Preternatural Whip


User gains supernatural powers from a whip. They can be inherently supernatural, granting powers like effect generation or augmentation, or act as an enhancement to the user’s own supernatural abilities.

Unlike Supernatural Whip Generation, this is the skill & know how of using a supernatural whip rather than creating it.




  • Mostly used for long-ranged users may be at a disadvantage at close range.
  • Mostly users must be agile and fast to be able to use the whip as a weapon.
  • If not careful user can always lash themselves, which can be incredibly painful.
  • May require a degree of training or exposure.
  • May take time to achieve mastery.

Known Users[]

  • Baron Mordo (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
  • Dante (Devil May Cry franchise)
  • Kratos (God of War)
  • Amethyst (Steven Universe)
  • Brighid (Xenoblade Chronicles)
  • Mòrag Ladair (Xenblade Chronicles)