The power to have powers from the absolute highest divine source. Form/Expression of Nigh-Omnipotence/Omnipotence. Power-source of Supreme Deities, Monotheistic Deities and Archangels. Absolute version of Divinity. Opposite to False Divinity. Not to be confused with Greater Divinity.
Also Called[]
- Absolute Divinity
- Absolute/Supreme Grace
- Absolute Highest Divine Source
- Absolute/Almighty/Meta Divine/Godlike/Holy Powers/Abilities
- Absolute/Almighty/Omnipotent/Meta Divinity
- Blessed/Holy/Sacred based Omnipotence
- Divine Omnipotence/Divinopotence
The user has supreme divinity and all divine powers granting them an Infinite amount of supreme power beyond the mundane, making users the Absolute highest divine being by nature, a status can surpass all other forms of divine/divinities in the existence making the users a supremely powerful divine entity who is omnipotent, forever above all other divine beings in their respective universes and beyond.
This level and form of divinity is slightly variable and very unique by the user's nature and character of being; thus, it is the strongest divinity and is ultimately reliant on the user alone, having all the divine powers in the known existence that could only be wielded by the strongest of divine and holiest of entities in the universe. This kind of divinity can never be lost or found, for the supremacy of such divinity is forever bound.
Such high divine beings that would possess this great power source would be supreme deities, creator deities, celestial deities, some destroyer deities, monotheistic deities, higher transcendent spirits, cosmic entities, and even archangels and archdemons.
Supreme level divinity is the purest form of divinity neither light or dark but rather is in perfect balance with both forever in limitless harmony with each other forever transcending duality and maintain a cosmic balance within themselves.
- Absolute Derivation (Varies)
- Absolute Superpower Manipulation
- Ancient/Ultimate Power
- Arcanepotence/Divine Magic (Varies per supreme entity)
- Balance (May vary slightly between divinities/pantheons.)
- Complete Arsenal (Slightly varies; most if not all supreme divinities will possess all of these powers.)
- All Absolute Powers
- All Almighty Powers
- All Divine Powers
- All Holy Powers
- All Meta Powers
- All Omni powers
- All Spiritual Powers
- All Transcendent Powers
- Cosmic/Divine Aura
- Divine Authority
- Divine Force/Absolute Force Manipulation
- Apocalyptic Force Manipulation
- Creative Force Manipulation
- Completeness Manipulation
- Destructive Force Manipulation
- Divine Assistance
- Divine Elemental Manipulation
- Divine Energy Manipulation
- Divine Power Bestowal
- Divine Psionics
- Domain Warping
- Light-Dark Force Manipulation
- Meta Life-Force/Meta Death-Force Manipulation
- Meta Miracle/Miracle Manipulation
- Natural Warping
- Primordial Force Manipulation
- Sacred Energy Manipulation
- Spiritual Force Manipulation
- Supernatural Force Manipulation
- Tetralogy
- Transcendent Force Manipulation
- Ultimate Force Manipulation
- Universal Force/Multiversal Force/Omniverse Manipulation
- Divine/Pure Form
- Divine Spark
- Divine Territory
- Entity Lordship (Angel, Beast, Deity, Demon, Dragon, Fairy, Monster, Vampire and/or Zombie Lordship) (Depending on the supreme divinity in question and what they command.)
- Alien/Beast/Dragon/Monster Divinity (If the divinity can create dragons and/or any other beasts/monsters like aliens then they created their power source as well.)
- Angelic Source/Light Divinity (If the divinity can create angels or other light divine beings, then they created their power source as well.)
- Dark Divinity/Demonic Divinity/Source (If the divinity is capable of creating demons/divine demons or other dark divine beings then they can create their power source as well.)
- Entity Creation
- Nature Divinity (If the divinity can create nature beings like fairies, then they created their power source as well.)
- Undead Divinity (If the divinity can create undead beings, then they created their power source as well.)
- Indeterminacy (Varies)
- Nigh-Omnipotence/Omnipotence (Varies)
- Nigh-Omnipresence/Omnipresence (Varies)
- Nigh-Omniscience/Omniscience (Varies)
- Other Soul (Eternal Soul; supreme divinities possess a much more powerful version of their species souls.)
- Angel Soul (archangels and certain transcendent angels.)
- Deity Soul
- Demon Soul (archdemons and certain transcendent demons.)
- Devil Soul (if he/she has a soul)
- Fairy Soul
- Hybrid Soul
- Monster Soul
- Undead Soul
- Perfection
- Prayer/Worship Empowerment (Varies)
- Totality Embodiment (Varies)
- Transcendent Physiology
Applications (Supreme Divine Beings)[]
- Apocalyptic Deity (Varies)
- Beyond Dimensional Physiology (Varies)
- Chaos Deity (Varies)
- Creator Deity
- Demiurge
- Destroyer Deity
- Elohim
- Heaven Deity
- Preserver Deity
- Primordial Deity (Varies)
- Transcendent Cosmic Entity
- Transcendent Alien Physiology (Varies)
- Unity
- Transcendent Cyborg Physiology (Varies)
- Transcendent Deity
- Transcendent Dragon (Varies)
- Transcendent Fairy (Varies)
- Transcendent Nephalem
- Transcendent Spirit (Varies)
- Transcendent Werepire (Varies)
- Transcendent Vampire/Werebeast (Varies)
- Trinitarian Deity
- Triple Deity (Varies)
- Abrahamic Deity
- Father God (Varies)
- Mother Goddess (Varies)
- New/Old/Patron Deity (Varies)
- Power Source
- Transcendent Physiology
Known Users[]
- Elaine Belloc (DC/Vertigo Comics); after succeeding the Presence
- The Great Darkness (DC Comics)
- The Presence/Source/Overmonitor (DC Comics)
- The Mother of Existence/The Man of Miracles (Image Comics): highest form
- The One Above All/The One Below All (Marvel Comics)
- Archangels (Abrahamic Religions);
- Michael
- Raziel
- Metatron (Judaism)
- God (Abrahamic Religions); True Supreme Divinity
- El (Canaanite Mythology)
- The Dagda (Celtic Mythology)
- Amun (Egyptian Mythology)
- Isis (Egyptian Mythology)
- Ptah (Egyptian Mythology)
- Ra (Egyptian Mythology)
- Ukko (Finnish Mythology)
- Death (Folklore); divine-like being.
- Mother Nature (Folklore); divine-like being.
- The Monad (Gnosticism)
- Uranus/Ouranos (Greek Mythology)
- Zeus/Jupiter (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Protogenoi (Greek Mythology)
- Aion
- Ananke
- Chaos (Highest form)
- Chronos
- Erebus
- Gaia
- Nyx
- Phanes (Highest form)
- Para Brahman (Hinduism)
- The Trimurti (Hinduism)
- Brahma
- Shiva
- Vishnu
- Shakti (Hinduism/Shaktism)
- Amaterasu (Japanese Mythology)
- Hunab-Ku (Mayan Mythology)
- Marduk (Mesopotamian Mythology)
- The Great Spirit, Wakan Tanka (Native American Mythology)
- Odin (Nordic Mythology); as Alfadur
- Bathala (Philippine Mythology)
- Kaptan (Philippine Mythology)
- Perun (Slavic Mythology)
- Rod (Slavic Mythology)
- Svarog (Slavic Mythology)
- Triglav (Slavic Mythology)
- The Horned God (Wicca)
- Triple Goddess (Wicca)
- Ahura Mazda (Zoroastrianism)
Live Television/Movies[]
- God (Lucifer)
- Goddess (Lucifer)
- Archangels (Supernatural); varies.
- Michael (right under God)
- Darkness/Amara (Supernatural)
- God/Chuck Shurley (Supernatural); formerly
- Jack (Supernatural); as the New God.
- The Shadow (Supernatural)
Video Games[]
- Akatosh (Elder Scrolls)
- Shor (Elder Scrolls)