The power to manipulate swarms and/or swarm behavior. Sub-power of Animal Manipulation, Behavior Manipulation, and Living Hive.
Also Called[]
- Swarm Control
- Swarm Behavior Control/Manipulation
The user can create, control, and influence swarms, groups of entities, particularly animals, of similar size that aggregate and travel in the same direction, as well as swarm behavior.
- May be limited to swarms of specific creatures (bats, birds, insects, etc.).
Known Users[]
See also: The Swarm
- Clancy (Ben 10); bugs
- Users of Bat Swarm (Castlevania)
- Destoroyah (Godzilla)
- Moses (Judaism); frogs, flies, lice, and locusts
- Lutecia Alpine (Lyrical Nanoha)
- Swarm (Marvel Comics); bees
- The Pain (Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater); hornets
- Imhotep (The Mummy); locusts and flies
- Aburame Clan (Naruto); Kikaichū
- Rosamund du Prix (Neverafter)
- Vespiquen (Pokémon)
- Sasha Woodman (Smallville); bees
- RAAM (Gears of War)
- Adult Zugugan (Ultraman Blazar)