The power to conduct crews into reformable shapes. Sub-power of Living Hive. Combination of Construction Manipulation and Team Manipulation. Variation of Feeding Frenzy.
Also Called[]
- Crew Re-Arrangement
- Select Patterns
Users of this ability can guide and direct entire units into conglomerate formations which they can conduct like a musical symphony. Depending on what said conductor is manipulating, the unified forms created can be nigh-unstoppable. The power isn't limited to controlling sentient creatures, but there is a limit to how well one manipulates the motor-skills of an object compares to that of a living being.
- Adaptation Inducement
- Companion Allegiance
- Drone Manipulation
- Hierarchy Manipulation
- Mecha Bond
- Object Manipulation
- Shape Manipulation
- Team Energy Manipulation
- Animal Manipulation
- Construct Creation
- Defense Powers
- Femtomite Manipulation
- Intuitive Empathy
- Nanite Manipulation
- Picomite Manipulation
- Solidarity Intuition
- Tactical Analysis
- Army Annihilation easily disrupts this.
- Can be disrupted by Discord Inducement.
Known Users[]
- Ants (Antz)
- Scarabax Beetles (Bionicle Glatorian)
- Rankorr (DC Comics); Futures End
- Dracula (Dracula Untold)
- Dokubatchi (Getbackers)
- Jupiter (Jupiter Ascending)
- Master Xehanort (Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep)
- Master Albert (Mega Man ZX Advent)
- Sasha Woodman (Smallville)
- Microcons (Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen)
- Zombies (World War Z)
- Zombies (Year Zero)
Known Objects[]
- Zords (Power Rangers Franchise)
- Titan Pilot (Sym-Bionic Titan)
- Voltron (Voltron Franchise)
- Certain Zoids (Zoids)