Superpower Wiki
Superpower Wiki

They neglected to add Nathan from Misfits.Nexxa 23:23, August 14, 2010 (UTC)

Another known Immortal: Capt. Jack Harkess from Dr. Who. He is a fixed entity within time and space and he cannot be killed. Death is but a temporary obstacle to him; an explosive large enough to destroy a mid-sized building once blew his body into meaty chunks, which then regrew into a normal body. The only as-yet successful method of temporarily stopping him was to completely encase him in concrete, which naturally only lasts if a third party doesn't break it open somehow or another. I don't know what sub-mortal wounds do to him, but I think they rapidly heal. (While it is strongly hinted that he is mortal, he lives five billion years, eventually becoming a giant, disembodied face. This is not confirmed in-canon, but there are hints that Capt. Jack and the five billion year old big giant face are the same being). He was granted his immortality by a human who was a Time Goddess for a short time, Rose Tyler. While Rose only meant to resurrect him once, she couldn't properly control her Time Goddess abilities and ended up keeping him the same for (nearly, apparently) forever. Waladil 17:32, August 15, 2010 (UTC)

Should I mention most video game characters?Matrilwood 13:09, September 19, 2010 (UTC)

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