The ability to transform one's lower body into animal forms. Combination of Human Hybrid Physiology and Mythical Bestiary.
Also Called[]
- Centaur Mimicry/Physiology
- Centauroid
- Taur Form/Mimicry
- Tauric Form/Mimicry/Physiology
User either has the lower body of animal or is able to transform their lower body into other animal forms. Regardless, they gain the abilities from their animal part that don't depend on the head (bite mostly) while keeping their ability to use hands. Note that there are variations who, instead of human upper portion, have anthropomorphic version of their animal form and do have the bite.
- Animal Morphing/Superior Animal Physiology
- Anthropomorphism/Humanoid Physiology (Upper Body Only; Head, Torso & Arms.)
Including but not certainly limited:
- Arachne Physiology: spider/humanoid combination.
- Bucentaur: bull/human combination, sometimes considered a version of minotaur.
- Centaur Physiology: the traditional horse/human combination, they tend to be tribal beings who are either wild party animals with berserker tendencies, nature-loving wise scholars or proud warriors.
- Enhanced Combat centaurs are notoriously rowdy.
- Enhanced Accuracy
- Equid Physiology
- Ichthyocentaur: horse/human/fish combination.
- Pterocentaurhorse: human/winged horse combination.
- Lion-taur/Wemic: lion/human combination, wemics are anthropomorphic. Cat-taurs can be counted to same group.
- Naga Physiology: snake/human combination
- Lamia Physiology: demonic counterpart
- Onocentaur: donkey/human combination.
- Equid Physiology
- Multiple Legs (can use arms to run)
- Scorpion Men Physiology: scorpion/human combination from Mesopotamian mythology, they were also known as aqrabuamelu or girtablilu.
- Fish People Physiology: half human and half sea creatures.
- Cecaelia Physiology: half human and half octopus/squid creatures.
- Adaro Physiology: half human and half shark physiology.
- Merfolk Physiology: half human and half fish.
- Ningyo Physiology: half human and half koi fish.
- Ningen Physiology: half human and half whale creatures.
Known Users[]
See Also: Our Centaurs Are Different.
- Centaurs (American Dragon: Jake Long)
- Various Taurs (Centaurworld)
- Lord Tirek (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
- Hexagon (Teen Titans Go! Vs Teen Titans)
- Centaurs (DC Comics)
- Insect Queen (DC Comics)
- Lion-Mane (DC Comics)
- P'Tar the Catarian (Extinctioners)
- Taur (Gold Digger)
- Arachne (Marvel Comics)
- Ai Apaec/The Decapitator (Marvel Comics)
- Centaurs of Olympus (Marvel Comics)
- Centauri (Marvel Comics)
- Daniel Wiley/Eques (Marvel Comics)
- Inhuman Centaurs (Marvel Comics)
- Rynor/Unitaur (Marvel Comics)
- Empress of the Racnoss (Doctor Who)
- Cyclopean Centaur (The Golden Voyage of Sinbad)
- Nessus (Hercules)
- Mathayus/Scorpion King (The Mummy Returns)
- Centaurs (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Campe (Greek Mythology)
- Erichthonius (Greek Mythology) - Athena's foster-son, who when he was an infant, could transform his lower half into a serpent's body and tail
- Jorōgumo (Japanese Mythology)
- Onocentaur (Medieval Folklore)
- Girtablilu (Mesopotamian Mythology)
- Urmahlullu (Mesopotamian Mythology)
- Elaphocentaur (Italian Mythology)
- Bucentaur (Greek and Roman Mythology)
- Cynocentaur (Etruscan/Italian Mythology)
- Nagas (Hindu/Buddhist Mythology)
- Merfolks (Worldwide Folklore)
- Andalites (Animorphs)
- Foaly (Artemis Fowl)
- Centaurs (Camp Half-Blood Chronicles)
- Centaurs (The Chronicles of Narnia)
- Centaurs (Harry Potter)
- Centaur Family Monsters (Monster Girl Encyclopedia)
- Bicorn
- Centaur
- Nightmare
- Unicorn
- White Horns
- Kampe (Percy Jackson and the Olympians)
- Locus (Berserk)
- Neliel Tu Odelschwanck (Bleach)
- Dope (The Haunted House/Shinbi Apartment)
- Riou (Konjiki no Gash Bell!)
- Arachnes (Monster Musume)
- Centaurs (Monster Musume)
- Brownbeard (One Piece)
- Speed (One Piece); via SMILE Devil Fruit
- Ussopaka (One Piece: Mugiwara Theatre)
- Elg (Toriko)
Tabletop Games
- Drider (Advanced Dungeons and Dragons)
- Scarrow/Scorpion Drider (Advanced Dungeons and Dragons)
- Centaurs (Dungeons and Dragons)
- Wemics (Dungeons and Dragons)
- Ymeri (Pathfinder)
- Morathi (Warhammer: Age of Sigmar)
Video Games
- Bayonetta (Bayonetta 3) Via Demon Masquerade with Labolas
- Jeanne (Bayonetta 3) Via Demon Masquerade with Labolas
- Raisa Volkova (Castlevania Lords of Shadows 2)
- Fig Cookie (Cookie Run)
- Nutmeg Tiger Cookie (Cookie Run Kingdom)
- Swinetaur (Darkest Dungeon)
- Templar Impaler (Darkest Dungeon)
- Templar Gladiator (Darkest Dungeon)
- Templar Sniper (Darkest Dungeon)
- Templar Warlord (Darkest Dungeon)
- Cydaea (Diablo)
- Various Digimon (Digimon)
- Centaur Warrunner (Dota 2)
- Enchantress (Dota 2)
- Spider Daedra (The Elder Scrolls)
- Centaurs (God of War)
- Lynels (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
- Centaur Man (Mega Man series)
- Motaro (Mortal Kombat)
- The Horseman (Panzer Paladin)
- Jessica (Reverse: 1999)
- Shantae (Shantae: Half-Genie Hero); via Spider Form/Drider
- Knight Mare (Skylanders)
- Chiron (SMITE)
- Centaur (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Mannoroth (World of Warcraft)