Superpower Wiki

The power to mimic the abilities, and traits, of technology. Technique of Technology Manipulation. Not to be confused with Bionic Physiology.

Also Called

  • Machine Imitation
  • Machine Mimicry
  • Technology Mimicry
  • Technology Power Mimicry/Replication


The user can use/imitate technology powers, they can become more like a robot, have the abilities of a television, be more like a computer and so on. They cannot transform into technology, as this power only enables the user to mimic machine traits while still in their original form. Some users can mimic multiple machines at once.


  • Use and imitate machine traits and abilities.
  • Posses any special abilities of machines.




  • Cannot transform into machines.
  • May be limited to mimicking only the machines they have observed.
  • May take on specific traits of a machine.
  • May be limited to mimicking one machine at a time or are limited on how long they can mimic machines.
  • Some abilities may be compromised by size differences.
  • May experience different weaknesses of technology.

Known Users

