- "What are you doing Constantine?
Technomagic. Feels like taking a test you havenāt studied for. Luckily I cheat.
What is happening?
Debugging you, mate." - ā John Constantine (Justice League Dark: Apokolips War)
The power to use a combination of magic and technology. Form of Magic. Combination of Technological Constructs and Magic. Not to be confused with Technological Magic or Technorganic Magic. Magical equivalent of Powered Technology.
Also Called[]
- Etheric Invention
- Magic Technology
- Magipunk/Magi-Tech/Meta-Tech/Magitek
- Technology-Magic/Techno-Magical Combination/Mixture
- Mystechnology/Magiteknology/Technomancy/Techno-Sorcery
The user can combine magic and technology to create a new form of wonder technology that combines magical and fantasy aspects with a sleek and mechanical aesthetic. This technology can be use in various ways and to various extents. Beginners can create and mimic technology via magic. Advanced users can infuse technology with magic, granting it considerable edge and versatility. True masters can fuse magic and technology entirely, retaining all of their strengths and none of their weaknesses. It must also be noted that extremely advanced technology can also be considered technomagic.
Basic Level
Medium Level
- Techno-Spell Casting (replicate technological effects)
- Techno-Shapeshifting
- Wish Granting machine, complete with intent decryption programs.
Advanced Level
- Techno-Magic Enhancements
- Evolution: auto-upgrade once new technology becomes available.
- Extrasensory Perception: enhance detection and analysis via ESP.
- Infinite Supply: unlimited ammo and energy for weapons and devices.
- Infusion: enhanced weapons with supernatural effects.
- Invulnerability: strengthen materials against physical damage.
- Energy Resistance: strengthen materials against energy damage.
- Supernatural Resistance: strengthen materials against supernatural effects.
- Mode Switching: change form and weapons to fight different enemies.
- Paradox Inducement: defy the rules of logic multiplying the unit's power and speed, notably projectile attacks.
- Reactive Adaptation: spontaneously adapt to enemies/situations.
- Regenerative Healing Factor: fast self-repairs after taking damage.
- Reforming: self-reconstruction when destroyed.
- Replication: self-duplication.
- Sequenced Teleportation: automatic retreat to safety after taking too much damage.
- Flash Step: instant move from one point to another on the battlefield.
- Targeting: correct the trajectory of projectiles to always hit their targets.
- Techno-Empathy: Empathize with technology.
- Transformation: temporarily upgrade into better versions of itself.
- Weapon Proficiency: automatic mastery of the weapons.
- Adaptive Replication: assimilation of exotic technologies/supernatural effects.
- Technomagical Attacks
Master Level
- Limitation Transcendence: overcome the limitations of technology and magic.
- Science-Magic Mixture
- Science-Magic Manipulation
- Rule Transcendence: bypass the inhibitions of machine or mysticism.
- Tetralogy: able to master and perfect all the known laws of logic and nature.
- Ultimate Alchemy
- Science-Magic Mixture
- Imaginative Technomagic
- Omnifabrication: creation of any construct with any properties/effects:
- Advanced/Exotic Technology
- Develop a Miracle Machine that'll grant any and every possible desire.
- Erasing weapons.
- Mass Power Erasure generators.
- Reality Rewriting via Interfaces.
- Technomagical Object
- Possibility Reconstruction: via law altering mechanization.
- Potential Creation: via infusion of technomagic nanites.
- Omnifabrication: creation of any construct with any properties/effects:
- Superior Adaptation: automatic adaptation to fit any purpose.
- Technomagical Blood: Have a body made up of technomagical shape-shifting nanites with infinite possibilities.
- Magitek Physiology: physically and conceptually personify mystical technology.
- Omnifarious
- Magic Negation/Magic Destruction/Magic Destabilization/Magic Invisibility/Magic Intangibility
- May require a specific resource, like most forms of magic.
- May require theoretical/practical knowledge of magic and technology.
- Limited to the technology user knows/is able to create/gain/use.
- Crash!/Technology Stopping
- Technological Invisibility/Technological Intangibility
- Depending on how it works, may be vulnerable to Electronic Disruption and Electromagnetic Pulse Emission.
Known Users[]
See also: Magitek
- Hajime Nagumo (Arifureta Sekai Saikyou)
- Wizards (Hitsugi no Chaika As Chaika the Coffin Princess)
- Mana users (Cross Ange: Rondo of Angel and Dragon)
- Vandalieu Zakkart (The Death Mage Who Doesnāt Want a Fourth Time)
- Ifurita (El Hazard)
- Kalia (El Hazard)
- Muldoon Priestesses (El Hazard)
- Edolas (Fairy Tail); via Edolas Items
- Labyrinth (Fresh Pretty Cure!)
- Magicians (The Irregular at Magic High School)
- Ernesti Echevalier (Knight's & Magic)
- Knightsmiths (Knight's & Magic)
- Potimas Harrifenas (Kumo Desu Ga, Nani Ka?)
- Constanze Amalie von Braunschbank-Albrechtsberger (Little Witch Academia)
- Croix Meridies (Little Witch Academia)
- Mages (Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha)
- Knights (Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha)
- Chao Lingshen (Negima)
- Ryuujin Tribe (Rakuin no Monshou); via artefacts
- Kihara Yuiitsu (Toaru Majutsu no Index)
- Magic-Science Treaty violators (Toaru Majutsu no Index)
- Onmyou Agency (Tokyo Ravens); via Man-Made Shikigami
- Witchcraft Corps (Tokyo Ravens); via Man-Made Shikigami
- Yakou Tsuchimikado (Tokyo Ravens); via Tsuchigumo
- The Scientist (9)
- Magitek users (Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Trolls (Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog); via Crystalmancy
- Atlanteans (Atlantis: The Lost Empire)
- Pandora Project (Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eleven)
- Dracula (Castlevania TV series)
- Atrocitus (DC Comics); via Anger Magic
- Bruce Wayne of Earth -12/Merciless (DC Comics); via Mythic Technology
- New Gods (DC Comics)
- Nikos Aegeus (DC Comics); via Mythic Technology
- Pandora (DC Comics)
- Neos (DIE)
- Angela
- Coldstone (Gargoyles)
- Asgardians (Marvel Comics)
- Fury (Marvel Comics)
- Herbert Wyndham/High Evolutionary (Marvel Comics)
- Sir James Jaspers/Mad Jim Jaspers (Marvel Comics); after fusing with the Fury
- Karl Mordo (Marvel Comics); after hijacking the technomagic god-armor
- Karima Shapandar (Marvel Comics)
- Knights of the Infinite (Marvel Comics)
- MI-13 (Marvel Comics)
- Mys-Tech (Marvel Comics)
- PkzkrfmkNonna (Marvel Comics)
- Project Purgatory (Marvel Comics); via Demonic Technology
- Quentin Beck/Mysterio (Marvel Comics)
- Shevaun Haldane/Dark Angel (Marvel Comics)
- Stark Odinson/Iron Hammer (Marvel Comics); via Iron Hammer Armor and B.I.F.R.O.S.T.
- Ty Rejutka Lupex (Marvel Comics)
- Victor von Doom/Doctor Doom (Marvel Comics)
- Vincent Stevens/Doctor Stevens (Marvel Comics)
- Skeletor (Masters of the Universe: Revolution)
- He-Man (Masters of the Universe: Revolution); via the upgraded Sword of Power
- Unnamed mage (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir); via Miraculouses
- Unicorn ponies (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
- Fixit (Pop Pixie)
- Planet Supergrass (REDLINE)
- Nicholas St. North (Rise of the Guardians); via North's Sleigh
- Ultra-Robots (Samurai Jack)
- Merlin (Trollhunters)
- Tecna (Winx Club)
- Dr. Vincent Morrow (Witch Doctor)
- Monica GreeNon (Witch Girls)
- Trolls (Trollz)
- Gummi bears (Adventures of the Gummi Bears)
- Alerans (Codex Alera); via furycrafting
- Artifabrians (The Cosmere)
- Southern Scadrians (The Cosmere)
- Human civilization (The Dancers at the End of Time)
- Old Ones (The Dark Tower)
- Declan O'Carroll (Demon Accords)
- Ponder Stibbons (Discworld)
- Leviathan Company (Dishonored: The Veiled Terror); via voidrite
- Waldo Butters (The Dresden Files)
- Joachim Asbury (Hexslingers)
- Vaillancourt (Mage Against the Machine)
- Axel Mortmain (The Shadowhunter Chronicles)
Live Action Movies/Television Series[]
- Technomages (Babylon 5)
- Abra Kadabra (Arrowverse)
- Warren Mears (Buffyverse)
- Winifred Burkle (Buffyverse)
- Wolfram & Hart (Buffyverse)
- Dark Elves (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Eitri (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Frost Giants (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Morgan le Fay (Marvel Cinematic Universe); via Corvus Phones
- Peter Parker/Spider-Man (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Wrecking Crew (Marvel Cinematic Universe) - via stolen Asgardian Construction Equipment
- Cogline (The Shannara Chronicles)
- British Men of Letters (Supernatural)
- Wizards (Wizards of Waverly Place)
Tabletop/Video Games[]
- Dreadnought (Age of Wonders 3)
- Aethertechs (Aion)
- Eljared/Elhazzared (Anima Beyond Fantasy)
- Powers in the Shadow (Anima: Beyond Fantasy)
- Imperium
- Illuminati
- Technocracy
- Rah Eruth Sith (Anima: Beyond Fantasy)
- Wissenschaft (Anima: Beyond Fantasy)
- Arcanists (Anthem)
- Hel (Apsulov: End of Gods)
- Dr. Hendrik Andersson (Apsulov: End of Gods)
- Firis Mistlud (Atelier)
- Atlanteans (Atlantis: The Second Age)
- Mancers (Bastion)
- Konoe A. Mercury/Nine (BlazBlue)
- Relius Clover (BlazBlue)
- Leicester Maycraft (Blessing of the Campanella)
- Old Kingdom (Blue Rose)
- Aghartian Mage-Smiths (Castlevania: Lords of Shadow)
- Rinaldo Gandolfi (Castlevania: Lords of Shadow); via Siege Titan
- Angels (Chronicles of Darkness)
- Cheiron Group (Chronicles of Darkness); via Thaumatechnology
- Free Council (Chronicles of Darkness)
- God-Machine (Chronicles of Darkness)
- Ordo Dracul (Chronicles of Darkness)
- Task Force: VALKYRIE (Chronicles of Darkness); via Advanced Armory
- Users of Ars Nova (Chronicles of Darkness)
- Devout (Chronopia); via Necrology implants
- Ashcroft Foundation (CthulhuTech)
- Chrysalis Corporation (CthulhuTech)
- Esoteric Order of Dagon (CthulhuTech)
- New Earth Government (CthulhuTech)
- Angels (Darksiders)
- Makers (Darksiders)
- Hive (Destiny)
- The Reef (Destiny)
- Agnus (Devil May Cry)
- Nicoletta "Nico" Goldstein (Devil May Cry)
- Demon Hunters (Diablo)
- Kirin Jindosh (Dishonored); via the Oraculum
- Warfare Overseers (Dishonored); via Overseer Music Boxes and Overseer Musical Chair
- Ignihyde dorm students (Disney: Twisted-Wonderland)
- Idia Shroud
- Ortho Shroud
- Cysero (DragonFable)
- Technomancers (DragonFable)
- Sky Gnomes (Dungeons & Dragons/Forgotten Realms)
- Gnome artificers (Forgotten Realms)
- Cyber World Darkners (Deltarune Chapter 2)
- Alchemical Exalted (Exalted)
- Twilight Solar Exalted (Exalted)
- Artificers (Eberron)
- House Cannith (Eberron); via Mark of Making
- Azazel (El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron)
- Dwemer (The Elder Scrolls)
- Sotha Sil (The Elder Scrolls)
- Lufenians (Final Fantasy)
- Gestahlian Empire (Final Fantasy VI)
- Sanctum (Final Fantasy XIII series)
- Garlemald/Garlean Empire (Final Fantasy XIV)
- Garlond Ironworks (Final Fantasy XIV)
- Niflheim (Final Fantasy XV)
- Zoldaad (Final Fantasy Brave Exvius)
- Cid (Final Fantasy Dimensions)
- Milites Empire (Final Fantasy Type-0); via the White Tiger Crystal
- Agartha (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
- Those Who Slither in the Dark (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
- Dwarves (God of War); via Resources
- Light Elves (God of War)
- Inquisitors (Grim Dawn)
- Asuras (Guild Wars 2)
- Gear Project (Guilty Gear); via Gears
- Azoth-7 (GURPS: Infinite Worlds)
- Merlin (GURPS: Infinite Worlds)
- Kang the Mad (Jade Empire)
- The Precursors (Jak and Daxter)
- Ansem the Wise (Kingdom Hearts)
- Vexen (Kingdom Hearts); via Replica Program
- Yozora (Kingdom Hearts)
- Users of Hextech (League of Legends)
- Jhin
- Jayce Talis
- Vi
- Caitlyn Kiramman
- Heimerdinger
- Camille Ferros
- Seraphine
- Jinx
- Ekko
- Viktor
- Corki (League of Legends)
- Ziggs (League of Legends)
- Hylden (Legacy of Kain); via glyph magic
- Various characters (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
- Azadi (The Longest Journey); via steam technology and cloudships
- Gambler (Madness: Project Nexus)
- Artificers (Magic: The Gathering)
- Nimrod Sentinels (Marvel: Avengers Alliance)
- Ancients (Might and Magic); via elemental manipulation
- Kronika (Mortal Kombat); via subordinates' cybernetic enhancements
- Brotherhood (Mutant Chronicles)
- Dark Legion (Mutant Chronicles)
- Chaldea Security Organization (Nasuverse)
- Kairi Sisigou (Nasuverse); via Necromancy
- Kiritsugu Emiya (Nasuverse)
- Roche Frain Yggdmillennia (Nasuverse)
- Lords of Alchemy (Ninja Gaiden)
- Moon Tribe (Åkami)
- Azlant (Pathfinder)
- Bone sages (Pathfinder)
- Mi-go (Pathfinder)
- Spellslinger Wizards (Pathfinder)
- Technomancers (Pathfinder)
- Vercites (Pathfinder)
- Easan the Mad, Darklord of Vechor (Ravenloft)
- Meredoth, Darklord of the Nocturnal Sea (Ravenloft)
- Arcane Inventors (Red Dragon Inn)
- Defiant (Rift)
- Lemuria (Rifts)
- Splynncryth (Rifts)
- Oldak (RuneScape)
- Seraphim (Sacred)
- Orochi Group (The Secret World)
- Sculptor (Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice); via Prosthetic Tools
- Racter (Shadowrun Returns)
- Ancients (Skylanders)
- Arkeyans (Skylanders)
- Azwel (Soulcalibur)
- Arcane (Spelljammer)
- The Realm (The Splinter)
- Gearsmiths (The Spoils)
- Leon D.S. Gehste (Star Ocean: The Second Story)
- Azlanti Star Empire (Starfinder); via aeon stone magitech
- Eox (Starfinder); via necrografts
- Velstrac (Starfinder); via Shadow Plane-based magitech
- Grandmaster Meio (Strider)
- Usamimi (Toaru Majutsu no Index: Struggle Battle); via Magic Booster
- Kappas (Touhou Project)
- Chiester Sisters Imperial Guard Corps (Umineko: When They Cry)
- Machinist (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Roche (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Burning Legion (Warcraft series)
- Mimiron (Warcraft series)
- Naaru (Warcraft series)
- Toki, Time-Tinker (Warcraft series)
- Chaos Dwarf Sorcerers (Warhammer)
- Skaven (Warhammer)
- Technocratic Union (World of Darkness)
- Weaver (World of Darkness)
Web Animations/Comics/Original[]
- Geofry (6 Gun Mag)
- Lucy Kaminari (Amor de Otro Mundo)
- Charlie the Unicorn Sorcerer/Ghost Charlie (Charlie The Unicorn)
- Anna Ripley (Critical Role); via Animus
- Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III (Critical Role); via The List
- Taryon Darrington (Critical Role)
- Tedd Drew Verres (El Goonish Shive)
- Anderson Robotics (SCP Foundation)
- Albert "Phineas" Frostman
- Vincent Anderson
Known Objects[]
- Teigu/Meihou (Akame ga Kill!)
- Many weapons on this page. https://arifureta.fandom.com/wiki/Hajime_Nagumo/Weapons_%26_Equipment
(Not sure how to add links to this, nor am I great with coding. Copy and past will fix that for the time being)
- Jarngreipr (Apsulov: End of Gods)
- Edolas Items (Fairy Tail)
- Magical vehicles (Fairy Tail)
- Casting Assistant Device (CAD) (The Irregular at Magic High School)
- Silhouette Gears (Knight's & Magic)
- Silhouette Knights (Knight's & Magic)
- Constanze's Inventions (Little Witch Academia)
- Magic Batteries (Little Witch Academia)
- Magitronics (Little Witch Academia)
- Various items (Pretty Cure)
- Grimoires (Trinity Seven)
- Automatons (Unbreakable Machine-Doll)
- Magic Apps (UQ Holder!')
- Ace of Winchesters (DC/Vertigo Comics)
- Dead King's Atlantean Weapons (DC Comics)
- Fatherbox (DC Comics)
- The Maelstrom (DC Comics)
- Tear of Extinction (DC Comics)
- Touch Stones (DC Comics)
- Water-Bearers (Young Justice)
- Magic Copy Machine (Fairly Odd Parents)
- Magic TV Remote (Fairly OddParents)
- Vril Energy Suit (Hellboy)
- Howl's Castle (Howl's Moving Castle)
- Asgardia (Marvel Comics)
- Exorcist Gun (Marvel Comics)
- Illumimatrix (Marvel Comics)
- Iron All-Father Armor (Marvel Comics)
- Iron Man Armor Model 22/Thorbuster Armor (Marvel Comics)
- Shatterstar's Swords (Marvel Comics)
- Technowand (Marvel Comics)
- Upgraded Sword of Power (Masters of the Universe: Revolution)
- Sword of Tengu (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
- Forge of Solus Prime (Transformers: Prime)
- Silimatic technologies (Alcatraz)
- Bands of Mourning (The Cosmere/Mistborn)
- Excisors (The Cosmere/Mistborn); via ettmetal
- Fabrials (The Cosmere/The Stormlight Archive)
- Nightblood (The Cosmere/Warbreaker)
- Hex (Discworld)
- Pex (Discworld)
- Thaumic Reactor (Discworld)
- Thaumometer (Discworld)
- Airships (Dishonored: The Veiled Terror); via voidrite
- Ghostwheel (Second Chronicles of Amber)
Live Action Movies/Television Series[]
- Ace of Winchester (Arrowverse)
- Harun-El (Arrowverse)
- Techno-mystical hybrids (Buffyverse)
- Deluminator (Harry Potter)
- Time Turner (Harry Potter)
- Berserker Staff (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Darkhold Inventions (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Gungnir (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- MjĆølnir (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- One of Spider-Man's Web-shooters (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Stormbreaker (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Tabletop/Video Games Games[]
- Aethercannons (Aion)
- Bastions (Aion)
- Lost Loggia (Anima: Beyond Fantasy)
- Javelins (Anthem)
- The Sight (Apsulov: End of Gods)
- Manufacted Slamicite (Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden)
- Arch-Enemies/Nox Nyctorex (BlazBlue)
- Grimoires (BlazBlue)
- Magic Formula Armaments/Ars Armegis (BlazBlue)
- Sankishin (BlazBlue)
- Crystal Skull (Castlevania)
- Dark Gauntlet (Castlevania: Lords of Shadow)
- Stopwatch (Castlevania: Lords of Shadow ā Mirror of Fate)
- Ensnared Demon (Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2)
- Arcanotechnology (CthulhuTech)
- D-Cells
- D-Engine (Dimensional Engine)
- Dimensional Vibration Communications Portal (VIBE)
- Engel Synthesis Interface
- Integrated Side-Effect Enhancer
- Karytyk Crystal
- Nexus of Almazoara
- Och'wil
- QBattery
- Advanced Armory (Chronicles of Darkness)
- Gadgets (Chronicles of Darkness)
- The Oraculum (Dishonored)
- Timepiece (Dishonored)
- Soulmechs (Dragonstar)
- Starcasters (Dragonstar)
- Sigil Stones (The Elder Scrolls)
- Drive Blades (Etrian Odyssey IV)
- Hyperspatial technology (Eldritch Skies)
- Arcanowave technology (Feng Shui)
- Magitek (Final Fantasy series)
- Fire-Powered Ship (Final Fantasy V)
- Antimatter Manipulation Principle (Final Fantasy XIII series)
- Aethercyte (Final Fantasy XIV)
- Wallbreaker Wave (Final Fantasy XV)
- White Tiger Crystal (Final Fantasy Type-0)
- Alexis II (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers)
- Frame Grides (Frame Gride)
- Theotechnology (Godbound)
- Forbidden Beasts (Guilty Gear)
- Gears (Guilty Gear)
- OutRage (Guilty Gear)
- Mechanika (Iron Kingdoms)
- Hextech (League of Legends)
- Various objects (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom)
- Formal Wizard Staffs (Madness: Project Nexus)
- True Wand: Plastic (Madness: Project Nexus)
- True Wand: Steel (Madness: Project Nexus)
- The Goddess (Ninja Gaiden)
- Alchemical golems (Pathfinder)
- Arms of the Iron God (Pathfinder); via Divine Magic
- Brain Cylinder (Pathfinder)
- Grip of Death (Pathfinder)
- Null Blades (Pathfinder)
- Oculus of Magnetic Fury (Pathfinder)
- Protean engines (Pathfinder)
- Smoke furnaces (Pathfinder)
- Technique disks (Phantasy Star Online)
- Mimir (Planescape: Torment)
- Thaumatech (Radiant Historia)
- Mugen (Clarissa) (Sakura Wars)
- Prosthetic Tools/Shinobi Prosthetic (Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice)
- Manatech (Shadowrun)
- Spelljammers (Spelljammer)
- Spelljamming helms (Spelljammer)
- Digital Harrow Deck (Starfinder)
- Infiltration Assistant (Starfinder)
- Kinetic Converter (Starfinder)
- Magitech Augmentations (Starfinder)
- Metal Nitro (Starfinder)
- Mnemonic Editor (Starfinder)
- Necrograft Augmentations (Starfinder)
- Prescient Lenses (Starfinder)
- Scrambler Gloves (Starfinder)
- Spell Ampoules (Starfinder)
- Spell Gems (Starfinder)
- Void Dust (Starfinder)
- Magitechnology (Tales series)
- Dimensional Ships (Warcraft)
- Atlantean Arcana (WitchCraft)
- WeaverTech (World of Darkness)
Web Animations/Comics/Original[]
- Malachite's Hand (Channel Awesome)
- Magic watches (El Goonish Shive)
- Tedd's Gauntlet (El Goonish Shive)
- Tedd's glove (El Goonish Shive)
- Devil Drives (Kill Six Billion Demons)