Superpower Wiki

The power to focus sense of hearing by tapping into part of the brain that allows users to psychically access the world's surrounding with telekinesis.  Sub-power of Telekinetically Enhanced Condition.

Also Called

  • Psychic Hearing
  • Telekinetic Sense of Sound
  • Telekinetic Superhuman Hearing
  • Telekinetic/Psionic/Psychic Hearing
  • Telekinetically Enhanced Hearing
  • TK Super-Hearing


Users can use Telekinesis to see images in their mind to know the exact location of how far it is, and can visualize exactly what is happening in them. The brain can put things together as it listens in on the scene every time seeing a panel of someone in danger when the noise is indicated by the ears.



  • Depends on mental state and focus.

Known Users

  • Conner Kent/Superboy (DC Comics)


TK Hearing(2)

Conner Kent/SuperBoy (DC Comics) used his telekinesis to hear through glass.
