- "The Mind Gem: no thought shall remain a secret to me. Every mind is mine to open and examine. I can reach out and feel the dreams and aspirations of every living being in the entire universe. They touch me but do not affect me; for I am Thanos, far above such concerns. Billions of fertile minds waiting for me to sew the seeds of my own perceptions and goals. A universe of thralls..."
- ― Thanos (The Thanos Quest)
- "You got a knack," Hallorann said, turning to him. "Me, I've always called it shining. That's what my grandmother called it, too. She had it. We used to sit in the kitchen when I was a boy no older than you and have long talks without even openin our mouths."
- ― Dick Hallorann to Danny Torance (The Shining)
- "You, uh, you know how to read minds?
"Oh, don't worry, honey". Most guys think what you was thinking first time they see me." - ― Jacob and Queenie (Fantastic Beast and Where to Find them)
- "Do not be startled, child. My voice is in your mind, not in your ear. Verbal communication is so limited. You will find that telepathy is purity"
- ― Mage: The Ascension — Core Rulebook (1st edition)
- " Boy...you read my thoughts! You've got the Shinning."
- "You mean "Shining."
- "Shh! You want to get sued?...But don't be reading my mind between four and five. That's Willy's time!"
- ― Groundskeeper Willy and Bart Simpson (The Simpsons)
- "The mind is not a book, to be opened at will and examined at leisure. Thoughts are not etched on the inside of skulls, to be perused by any invader. The mind is a complex and many-layered thing, Potter. Or at least most minds are... It is true, however, that those who have mastered Legilimency are able, under certain conditions, to delve into the minds of their victims and to interpret their findings correctly."
- ― Severus Snape (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix)
The power to receive and transmit information with one’s mind. Sub-power of Psionics and Telepathy Manipulation. Technique of Higher Consciousness. Not to be confused with Telekinesis. The user is known as a Telepath.
Also Called[]
- Mental Contact/Surfing
- Mental Interaction/Interaction of Minds
Fiction-Specific Terms[]
- Brain Talk (Scarlet Nexus)
- Legilimency (Harry Potter franchise)
- Mental Response (Scarlet Nexus)
The user has telepathy, the psionic ability to read and control the minds and thoughts of humans, animals, and other sentient beings, and to transfer information from one mind to another without the aid of physical communication (noise or movement). A person with this ability is called a telepath. Users can receive and transmit information with one’s mind without physical interaction. However, many other mind-based abilities fall under telepathy due to those powers overlapping with the core concept of telepathy, allowing a telepath to interact with their own mind and the minds of others in a variety of ways. Some of the more common abilities also considered telepathy would be perceiving the thoughts of others and detecting the presences of other minds through extrasensory means. More advanced users can influence or completely control the minds of their targets and manipulate their thoughts, memories and emotions at will. Potentially, they even control Psychic energy from their telepathic abilities, strengthening their previous powers and maybe even gaining new ones.
Similar to "Telekinesis", "Telepathy" is an umbrella term for any ability that involves projecting, reading and manipulating thoughts or affecting and interacting with other aspects of the mind.
- Various Psychic powers relating to mind reading, mind control, and mind-to-mind communication
Basic Skill Level[]
- Astral Projection: The ability to project the consciousness of oneself or others from the body.
- Empathy: The ability to interpret the emotions of others.
- Telempathy: The ability to communicate through emotions.
- Visual Empathy: The ability to see emotions of others.
- Telempathy: The ability to communicate through emotions.
- Mind Reading/Thought Detection: The ability to read and sense the thoughts of others.
- Imitative Mind Reading: The ability to verbally mimic the thoughts of others.
- Visual Mind Reading: The ability to see the thoughts of others.
- Memory Reading: The ability to read the target's memories.
- Visual Memory Reading: The ability to see memories of others.
- Telepathic Communication: The ability to open up secret conversations and relay covert information.
- Telepathic Broadcasting: The ability to simultaneously send one message to a group of people.
- Telepathic Speaking: The ability to speak aloud using only the mind.
Advanced Skill Level[]
- Astral Suggestion: Coax others through the immaterial world to do and act on your behalf.
- Control Negation: The ability to negate mind control on themselves or others.
- Dream Walking: The ability to enter the dreams of another.
- Dream Communication: The ability to converse and relay information through dreams.
- Dream Observation: The ability to perceive the dreams of others.
- Emotion Manipulation: The ability to make one feel pleased, happy, pained, or any other emotion.
- Information Detection: The ability to detect information/knowledge.
- Information Transferal: Transfer information.
- Download: The ability to quickly process, store, or download information through another's mind.
- Experience Sharing: Transfer experiences between minds.
- Information Trapping: The ability to trap any and/or all information into mind.
- Knowledge Absorption: The ability to steal knowledge.
- Knowledge Erasure: The ability to erase knowledge.
- Knowledge Projection: The ability to project knowledge into another mind.
- Calculation Transfer: Transfer calculations to someone else.
- Memory Transferal: Transfer memories to someone else.
- Telepathic Language Instruction: The ability to teach languages telepathically.
- Knowledge Recovery: The ability to recover knowledge.
- Knowledge Replication: The ability to replicate the learned knowledge and skills of others.
- Hallucination Inducement: The ability to cause hallucinations, often ones based on the subject’s own psyche.
- Hypnagogia Inducement: The ability induces waking dreams into the target's subconscious.
- Mental Inducement: The ability to temporarily push the targets mind into the wanted state.
- Command Inducement: The ability to command a target using one's mind.
- Paralysis Inducement: The ability to restrict the movements of others via the mind.
- Mind Control: The ability to manipulate the minds of others via thought process.
- Hypnosis: The ability to induce haze like states in others that make them more suggestable to action.
- Mind Image: The ability to project one's image to the mind of another.
- Mind Link: The ability to develop a permanent mental bond with any person, also called imprinting.
- Mind Melding: The ability to fuse one's consciousness with another.
- Mindshifting: User has direct and total control over their mental structure.
- Neuro-Psychic Manipulation: User possesses a very powerful psychic neurological system that intuitively alters the wiring and functions in their cerebellum.
- Mind Walking: The ability to enter the mind of another.
- Subconscious Walking: The ability to enter the subconscious of another.
- Omnilingualism: The ability to intuitively understand all languages.
- Sensory Inducement: The ability to cause the target to experience certain sensory effects.
- Telepathic Invisibility: The ability to become invisible via telepathy.
- Telepathic Translation: The ability to translate all languages.
Expert Skill Level[]
- Action Inducement: The ability to make others do whatever one wants.
- Speaking Inducement: The ability to make others say whatever one wants.
- Astral Solidification: Conjure and materialize psychic force energy in the waking world.
- Brain Manipulation: Stronger telepaths can reach into the cerebral matter of another being and play around with it at will.
- Brainwave Manipulation: Hotwire synaptic discharges for the sake of cleaner physiological control.
- Reanimation: Restart the neurological motor functions within cadavers to puppeteer lifeless husks of the deceased.
- Intelligence Manipulation: The ability to make smartest.
- Brainwave Manipulation: Hotwire synaptic discharges for the sake of cleaner physiological control.
- Psionic Inundation: The ability to launch psi-bolts to cause mental damage.
- Telepathic Static: The ability to project telepathic static.
- Unconsciousness Inducement: The ability to shut down an opponent's higher brain function.
- Psychic Falsification: The ability to create false psychic phenomena.
- Psychic Shadow: The ability to mask psychic presence, hiding from other psychics.
- Psychic Inhibitors: The ability to place inhibitors in the mind to limit the target's capabilities.
- Psychic Navigation: The ability to create a mental map of the area.
- Psychic Shield: The ability to erect a psychic shield to protect the minds of oneself and others.
- Psychic Torture: The ability to torture victims mentally and spiritually.
- Telepathic Implantation: The ability to implant memories, thoughts, and emotions into others.
- Sensory Scrying: The ability to perceive through the senses of other beings.
- Telepathic Aura: The ability to project telepathic field.
- Telepathic Hijacking: The ability to hijack telepathic communication.
- Telepathic Illusions: The ability to create and control illusions via telepathic manipulation.
- Empathic Illusions: The ability to create and control illusions via empathy.
- Telepathic Language Instruction: The ability to project language information to others to communicate.
- Telepathic Prediction: The ability to know an opponent's moves and attacks by reading their brain waves.
- Telepathic Relay: The ability to act as a mental relay station for a group of minds, allowing said minds to "speak" to one another through the user.
- Thought Projection: The ability to make the thoughts and ideas of oneself or others visible.
- Memory Projection: The ability to make the memories of oneself or others visible.
- Thought Manipulation: The ability to control the thoughts of others.
Master Skill Level[]
- Astral Trapping: The ability to tap into and harness the essence of the spectral realm in order to strengthen one's psychic power.
- Clairtelepathy: The ability to detect mental resonances from other locations and times.
- Clairempathy: The ability to detect emotional resonances from other locations and times.
- Consciousness Transferal: The ability to transfer the minds of oneself or others between bodies.
- Cyberpathy: Establish a neuro-psychic link up with digitized or electronic machinery.
- Darkside View: The ability to communicate with and bring out the dark side of a person's personality.
- Dream Manipulation: The ability to manipulate dreams.
- Dream Inducement: The ability to cause dreams.
- Extrasensory Perception: The ability acquire information by means other than the ordinary senses.
- Lightside View: The ability to communicate with and bring out the good side of a person's personality.
- Memory Manipulation: The ability to erase, restore and alter the target's memories.
- Memory Communication: The ability to converse and relay information through memories.
- Memory Walking: The ability to enter the memories of others.
- Mental Manipulation: The ability to manipulate functions of the mind.
- Hypnosis Manipulation: The ability controls the spread and effect of any suggestable psychosis.
- Mental Shield Creation: The ability to create mental shields in themselves or others to protect them of psychic attacks.
- Mental Shield Penetration: The ability to bypass or penetrate a mental shield.
- Mind Exchange: The ability to transfer one's mind into another's body, taking control of that body.
- Possession: The ability to project one's mind into the body of a living being to inhabit and control them.
- Multi Possession: The ability to possess multiple targets at once.
- Partial Possession: The ability to possess others without leaving one’s own body.
- Remote Possession: The ability to possess others from a distance.
- Power Manipulation: More powerful users are able to psychically control the superpowers of others.
- Power Augmentation: The ability to adjust the powers of others either to make them more powerful or allow that power to function differently than before.
- Power Negation: The ability to temporarily “turn off” the powers of others.
- Power Replication: The ability to channel and reproduce the powers of others within themselves.
- Projective Omnilingualism: The ability to emit a field that translates every spoken language.
- Psychic Wave Manipulation: The ability to generate and manipulate thought waves.
- Psychic Element Manipulation: The ability to generate and manipulate psychic elements.
- Psychic Energy Manipulation: The ability to produce and manipulate mental energy.
- Psychic Constructs: The ability to generate constructs out of mental energy.
- Psychic Energy Manipulation: The ability to produce and manipulate mental energy.
- Psychic Element Manipulation: The ability to generate and manipulate psychic elements.
- Psychic Perception: The ability to perceive various forms of psychic phenomena.
- Psychosomatic Illusion: The ability to create powerful illusions that may cause severe physical damage.
- Remote Telepathy: The ability to use telepathy from a long range.
- Signal Creation: The ability to manifest one’s telepathy in the form of a signal.
- Psionic Signal Placement: The ability to cause objects or individuals to emit telepathic signals that repel or attract.
- Subconscious Manipulation: The ability to manipulate the subconscious.
- Subliminal Messaging: The ability to implant thoughts and ideas into the subconscious.
- Telepathic Dilation: The power to water down the abilities of others by blocking neurological signals.
- Telepathic Surgery: The ability to perform neuropsychic surgery, healing and damaging the mind.
Ultimate Skill Level[]
- Astral Plane Connection: Establish a link with the astral plane itself using telepathy.
- Cosmic Empathy: The ability to interpret the emotions of billions or more subjects at once.
- Cosmic Telepathy: The ability to read the thoughts of billions or more subjects at once.
- Cosmic Projection: The ability to project one's image across space and time.
- Deprivation: The ability to telepathically interact/transmit with abstracts concepts/manifestations, transcendent beings, non-entities, spirits, and the psychic residue of the dead.
- Mental Projection: The ability to project thoughts into reality.
- Mindscape Transportation: The ability to transport physical matter into one's conscious or subconscious thoughts.
- Neural Jumpstart: The power to augment another's abilities by accelerating neuronal activity.
Absolute Skill Level[]
- Immaterial Manipulation: The user can create, shape and manipulate the immaterial. i.e., anything in the universe that has no physical form and cannot be perceived by the senses/is not tangible, such as souls, divine beings, concepts, ideas, the mind, and so on.
- Astral Manipulation: The ability to manipulate astral energy.
- Astral Bridging: The ability to blend the astral realm with the material one. Overlaying illusion with the surreal.
- Material Astral Projection: Give solid form to your astral
- Astral Bridging: The ability to blend the astral realm with the material one. Overlaying illusion with the surreal.
- Astral Manipulation: The ability to manipulate astral energy.
- Mindscape Materialization: The ability to will one's thoughts and their inner world into reality.
- Omni-Empathy: The ability to sense and feel an infinite number of emotions across all universes, planes and dimensions.
- Omni-Telepathy: The ability to read, sense, communicate with, and control an infinite number of minds across all universes, planes and dimensions.
- Technopathy: Hold total dominion over all mechanized, computerized or most base forms of engineering via power of the mind.
- Unimind: The ability to be connected with all things and their essences.
- Animal Telepathy
- Ballistic Telepathy
- Chi Telepathy
- Dragon Telepathy
- Electrical Telepathy
- Empathy
- Energy Telepathy
- Esoteric Telepathy
- Genetic Telepathy
- Magical Telepathy
- Musical Telepathy
- Oneiropathy
- Organopathy
- Spiritual Telepathy
- Tactile Telepathy
- Technological Telepathy
- Technopathy
- Telempathy
- Telepathic Force Manipulation
- Telepathy Manipulation
- Telepathic Intelligence
- Telepathic Illusions
- Telepathic Power Replication
- Temporal Telepathy
Universe Variations[]
Some universes include Telekinesis as a form of telepathy.
Associated Users[]
- Does not work on mindless beings such as corpses, animated objects, robots, etc.
- Cannot work on users of Psychic Shield, Psychic Immunity or Indomitable Will.
- May be ineffective to users of Alien Mind.
- Users of Fathomless Mind are immune and can overpower user.
- May be limited to a certain range to work, including touch only.
- May be limited to a certain number of targets at a time.
- May be overwhelmed by certain unique people, especially the ones which are too complicated (e.g. a genius' mind which is doing calculus and scientific formulas), detailed (e.g. an artist or photographer's mind which have all kind of photographic memories), insane/morally corrupted (e.g. "death is salvation" , "burning folks to death is helpful" , "I just liked to kill, I wanted to kill", "I will create my idea of the perfect world by genocide", "everybody must perished for god's sake" ), and/or ones which don't make any sense (e.g. "2+2=5", "a one-ended line grand plan", "colorless green ideas sleep furiously" , "two or three circle equal four different squares combined" ). Persons possessing Alien Mind might be too dangerous to telepathy with.
- May be constantly active and have to constantly hear thoughts.
- Since the user constantly hears thoughts, this power becomes ineffective in large crowds.
- May get overwhelmed by too many thoughts.
- May be limited to the thoughts which the target is currently thinking.
- May be limited to reading either thoughts or memories.
- May not be able to read impulsive actions.
- Users of Divided Mind may be hard to process due to multiple patterns of mind.
- Some minds may be overwhelming to the user.
- May not understand information's perceived.
- May be hijacked and overpowered by higher users.
- May require concentration.
Known Users[]
See Also: Telepathy and Real Telepathy.
- Ancient Psychic Tandem War Elephant (Adventure Time)
- Goliad (Adventure Time)
- Vampire King (Adventure Time)
- Tamara Caulder (Batman Beyond)
- Amperi (Ben 10 series)
- Ampfibian
- Ra'ad
- Anodites (Ben 10 series)
- Gwen Tennyson (Ben 10 series)
- Ventrilosquid (Ben 10: Omniverse)
- Sir George (Ben 10: Ultimate Alien)
- Kongu (BIONICLE); via Kanohi Suletu; as a Toa Inika
- Telepathy Users (Danny Phantom)
- Desiree
- Ma-Ti (Captain Planet)
- Theresa (Class of the Titans)
- Fantomah (Comic House)
- Elsa (Creepschool)
- Ace (DCAU)
- Ray Thompson (Justice League)
- Agent Honeydew (Dexter's Laboratory)
- Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls)
- Everseer (The Incredibles)
- Psychwave (The Incredibles)
- Mohajah (Jackie Chan Adventures)
- Amazo (Justice League Unlimited)
- Water Civilization (Kaijudo: Rise of the Duel Masters)
- Brainy Barker (Krypto the Superdog)
- Neuro (Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu)
- Fracine Nebulon (LIoyd in Space)
- Gabriel Agreste/Hawk Moth/Shadow Moth/Monarch (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir); Advanced Level
- Nathalie Sancoeur/Mayura (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir); Advanced Level
- Elton (Monster Buster Club)
- Scarah Screams (Monster High)
- Discord (My Little Pony series)
- Sunset Shimmer (My Little Pony Equestria Girls)
- Oracle Coven (The Owl House)
- Kira (Phantom Investigators)
- Control Freak (Phineas and Ferb)
- Pops (Regular Show)
- Telepathic Spiders (Rick and Morty)
- Fart (Rick and Morty)
- Fox Alistair (RWBY)
- Madelyn Spaulding (Static Shock)
- Horde Prime (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power); limited to those connected to his Hive Mind
- Fairy Godmother (Shrek)
- Steven Universe (Steven Universe)
- Tyler (Supernoobs)
- Blorgon (Supernoobs)
- April O'Neil (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012 TV series)
- Dr. Tyler Rockwell (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012 TV series)
- Soundwave (Transformers (G1))
- Taranee Cook (W.I.T.C.H.)
- Halinor (W.I.T.C.H.)
- Will Vandom (W.I.T.C.H.)
- Mind Reader Conch users (Xiaolin Showdown)
- Betta George (Angel: After the Fall)
- Sadecki Demons (Angel: After the Fall)
- Silver and Gold (Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Evil Ernie (Chaos!/Dynamite Comics)
- Montgomery Knox (Charmed comic)
- Arthur Curry/Aquaman (DC Comics); Basic Level
- Captain Comet (DC Comics)
- Dubbilex (DC Comics)
- Manchester Black (DC Comics); Expert Level
- Maxwell Lord IV (DC Comics); Master Level
- Esper Lass (DC Comics)
- Gorilla Grodd (DC Comics)
- Hector Hammond (DC Comics)
- Hitman (DC Comics)
- Icon (Milestone Comics/DC Comics)
- Klaramarans (DC Comics)
- Chun Yull
- Klee Pan
- Yun Xee
- Kryptonians (DC Comics)
- Maxima (DC Comics)
- Martians (DC Comics); Master Level
- Mento (DC Comics)
- Psimon (DC Comics)
- Raven (DC Comics)
- Saturn Girl (DC Comics)
- Tempest (DC Comics)
- Lilith Clay/Omen (DC Comics)
- Various Metahumans (DC Comics)
- Tomorrow Woman (DC Comics)
- Joseph Meach/Composite Superman (DC Comics)
- Ya'Wara (DC Comics)
- Matthew Callahan/Threshhold (Image/Wildstorm Comics)
- Nicole Callahan/Bliss (Image/Wildstorm Comics)
- Team 7 (Image/Wildstorm Comics)
- Mind-Swipe (Extinctioners)
- Eve Mahn (Extinctioners)
- Various Mutants (Marvel Comics)
- Apocalypse (Marvel Comics); Expert Level
- Blackagar Boltagon/Black Bolt (Marvel Comics)
- Blindfold (Marvel Comics)
- Ahura Boltagon (Marvel Comics)
- Astrid Bloom (Marvel Comics)
- Lizard (Marvel Comics)
- Nathan Summers/Cable (Marvel Comics); Master Level
- Chamber (Marvel Comics)
- Thanos (Marvel Comics)
- Cosmo (Marvel Comics); Expert Level
- Stepford Cuckoos (Marvel Comics); Master Level
- Emma Frost/White Queen (Marvel Comics); Master Level
- Galactus (Marvel Comics)
- Madelyne Pryor/The Goblin Queen (Marvel Comics); Master Level
- Jean Grey/Phoenix (Marvel Comics); Master Level
- Karma (Marvel Comics); limited
- Little Mary (Marvel Comics)
- David Haller/Legion (Marvel Comics)
- Franklin Richards (Marvel Comics); Master Level
- M.O.D.O.K. (Marvel Comics)
- Mantis (Marvel Comics)
- Meggan (Marvel Comics)
- James-Michael Starling/Omega the Unknown (Marvel Comics)
- Monet St. Croix (Marvel Comics)
- Professor Charles Xavier (Marvel Comics); Master Level
- Elizabeth Braddock/Psylocke (Marvel Comics)
- Quentin Quire (Marvel Comics)
- Rebecca Essex/Mother Righteous (Marvel Comics)
- Sage (Marvel Comics)
- Silver Surfer (Marvel Comics)
- Amahl Farouk/The Shadow King (Marvel Comics)
- Rachel Summers/Marvel Girl/Phoenix (Marvel Comics); Master Level
- Nate Gray/X-Man (Marvel Comics); Master Level
- Bennet du Paris/Exodus (Marvel Comics)
- Loki Laufeyson (Marvel Comics)
- Xraven (Marvel Comics)
- Tarn the Uncaring (Marvel Comics)
- Todd Ingram (Scott Pilgrim)
- Sasuke the Demon Queller (Usagi Yojimbo)
- Bleeding Monk (Valiant Entertainment)
- Peter Stancheck (Valiant Entertainment)
- Toyo Harada (Valiant Entertainment)
- Vampirella (Vampirella)
- Cybernary (Wildstorm Comics)
Live Television/Movies[]
- Gary Navarro (The 4400)
- Fiona Goode (American Horror Story: Coven)
- Nan (American Horror Story: Coven)
- Mary Hamilton (Arrowverse/Batwoman); Formerly
- Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy (Arrowverse/Batwoman)
- Telepaths (Babylon 5)
- Bo Adams (Believe)
- Joshua Carpenter (Believe)
- Danni (Believe)
- Jacob Eckstein (Believe)
- Shawn (Believe)
- Mesmer/Mesmerizer (The Boys)
- The Master (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
- Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
- Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel); temporarily
- Telepath Demons (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
- William Scully III/Jackson Van De Kamp (The X-Files)
- Some Demons (Charmed)
- Elders (Charmed)
- Enola (Charmed)
- Christy Jenkins (Charmed)
- Whitelighters (Charmed); limited to charges
- Zachary (Charmed)
- Margarita "Maggie" Vera (Charmed 2018)
- Catalina Bladimof (Chica Vampiro)
- Kolob (Children of the Dog Star)
- Gretchen Kierney (Children of the Dog Star); via contact with the Siriusians
- Ruby Daly (The Darkest Minds)
- Clancy Gray (The Darkest Minds)
- The Eight Legs (Doctor Who)
- Gas Mask Zombies (Doctor Who)
- Jamie/The Empty Child
- The Host (Doctor Who)
- Krynoids (Doctor Who)
- The Ood (Doctor Who)
- Raxacoricofallapatorians (Doctor Who)
- Slitheen
- Sensorites (Doctor Who)
- Silurians/Homo Reptilia (Doctor Who); via third eye
- Susasn Foreman (Doctor Who)
- Time Lords (Doctor Who)
- Sachiko/The Quiz (Doom Patrol)
- Roxie Torcoletti (Eastwick)
- Bun Waverly (Eastwick)
- Rosalind (Fate: The Winx Saga)
- Cayce Briges (Fear 1990)
- Lazoons (Fireball Xl5)
- Zoonie
- River Tam (Firefly)
- Dominic Lance/Brainstorm (The Flash)
- Clifford DeVoe/The Thinker (The Flash)
- Sky (Gabby Duran & the Unsittables); via touch
- Frost Sisters (The Gifted)
- Houtua (Godzilla Anime Trilogy)
- Maina
- Miana
- Ezra Colbert (Haven)
- Charles Deveaux (Heroes)
- Matt Parkman (Heroes)
- Maury Parkman (Heroes)
- Arthur Petrelli (Heroes)
- Dracas Clan (Heirs of the Night)
- Walter Sampson/Brainwave (Jupiter's Legacy)
- Raikou (Jupiter's Legacy)
- Tezuka Miyuki (Kamen Rider Ryuki)
- Zoe McConnell (The Lazarus Effect)
- Listeners (Legend of the Seeker)
- David Haller/Legion (Legion)
- Amahl Farouk/Shadow King (Legion)
- Charles Xavier (Legion)
- Oliver Bird (Legion)
- Toby Logan (The Listener)
- Lucia (Los Protegidos)
- Keira Beltrán (Los Unicos)
- NeoCortex (Mighty Med)
- Kelly Bailey (MisFits)
- Lourenço Braga (Morangos Com Açúcar 4); temporarily
- Emma DeLauro (Mutant X)
- Telepaths (Mutant X)
- George Sunday/Thermoman (My Hero); temporarily, via the power of Mascara
- Daphne Powell (No Ordinary Family)
- Xybrians (Power Rangers Time Force)
- Trip
- Rafkonians (Power Rangers Dino Fury)
- Aiyon
- Zayto
- Orria
- Amelia Jones
- Brayden Mills (Raising Dion)
- Jeggorabax Energy Entity (The Sarah Jane Adventures)
- Sensates (Sense8)
- Pancha McCaskill (Silversun); via her brain implant
- Kromags (Sliders)
- Ryan James (Smallville)
- Clark Kent (Smallville); temporarily
- The Ancients (Stargate franchise)
- Henry King Sr. (Stargirl)
- Henry King Jr (Stargirl)
- Species 8472 (Star Trek)
- Vulcans (Star Trek)
- Gary Mitchell (Star Trek: The Original Series)
- Teyla Emmagan (Stargate Atlantis); through her Wraith DNA
- The Wraith (Stargate Atlantis)
- Warthin (Stargate Atlantis)
- Adria (Stargate SG1)
- Eggar (Stargate SG1)
- Khalek (Stargate SG1)
- Queen Arra (Space: 1999)
- Angels (Supernatural)
- Oliver Price (Supernatural)
- Missouri Moseley (Supernatural)
- Magda Peterson (Supernatural)
- Poli Truper (Supertorpe)
- Banshees (Teen Wolf)
- Lydia Martin
- Meredith Walker
- Homo Superiors (The Tomorrow People)
- CJ Ward (Tower Prep)
- Anthony Fremont (The Twilight Zone)
- Grandma (The Twilight Zone)
- Various Ultramen and aliens (Ultramen)
- Merrill Young and Patsy LaRue (Vampire High)
- Various Supernatural Beings (The Vampire Diaries/The Originals/Legacies)
- Psychics
- Sirens
- Space Jockeys (Aliens franchise)
- Belial (Basket Case)
- Duane Bradley (Basket Case)
- The Bye Bye Man (The Bye Bye Man)
- John Murdoch (Dark City)
- The Strangers (Dark City)
- Oranges (The Darkest Minds)
- Rage (Dream Warrior)
- Uncle Bene (Escape to Witch Mountain/Return from Witch Mountain); Humans, animals, other aliens
- Tia and Tony Malone (Escape to Witch Mountain/Return from Witch Mountain); Humans, animals, other aliens
- Sheng Yayu/Emotionless (The Four)
- Chloe Lewis (Freaks)
- Guiron (Gamera vs Guiron)
- Virasians (Gamera vs Viras)
- Jobe Smith (The Lawnmower Man)
- Maika (Maika: The Girl From Another Galaxy)
- Druig (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Cassandra Nova (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Siu May (Mermaid Got Married)
- Freddy Krueger (A Nightmare on Elm Street)
- The Tall Man (Phantasm)
- Jeremy Reed (Powder)
- Sara (Race to Witch Mountain)
- Tyler Burns (Skyrunners)
- Brain Bugs (Starship Troopers)
- Freya McAllister (Thoughtcrimes)
- Tamara Riley (Tamara)
- The Children's (Village of the Damned)
- Ali Davis (What Men Want); men only via hitting her head on the bar counter
- Nick Marshall (What Women Want); women only via electrocution
- Charles Xavier/Professor X (X-Men Movies)
- Emma Frost (X-Men: First Class)
- Jean Grey/Phoenix (X-Men Movies)
- Jason Stryker (X2: X-Men United)
- Cate Dunlop (The Boys: Gen V )
- Angels ("Lucifer")
- Archangels ("Lucifer")
- God ("Lucifer")
- Rhysand (A Court of Thorns and Roses)
- Feyre Archeron (A Court of Thorns and Roses)
- Andalites (Animorphs)
- Anyone in morph (Animorphs)
- Crayak (Animorphs)
- Ellimist (Animorphs)
- Howlers (Animorphs)
- Iskoort (Animorphs)
- Carrie White (Carrie)
- Phoners (Cell)
- Eustacia Yewbeam (Children of the Red King)
- Serena Killingsworth (Daughters of the Moon series)
- Nika (Demon Accords)
- Alec Warrdon (The Eidolon Saga)
- Linnea Wallin (Engelsfors)
- Aldwyn (The Familiars)
- Dragon Riders and their dragons (Inheritance Cycle)
- Magicians (Inheritance Cycle)
- Legilimens (Harry Potter)
- Keliminate Users (Karsearin: Adventures of a Red Dragon)
- Aria Seshenes; via her sword
- Telepaths (Keepers of the Lost Cities)
- Laura Leander (Laura and the Secret of Aventerra)
- Mary Morgain (Laura and the Secret of Aventerra)
- Edythe Cullen (Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined)
- Ella/Number Ten (Lorien Legacies)
- Isarians (Los Hechiceros del Dragon)
- Angel (Maximum Ride)
- Bradley (The Medusa Project)
- Ed (The Medusa Project)
- Dashiell Gibson (Moon Base Alpha series)
- Violet Gibson (Moon Base Alpha series)
- People of Bosco (Moon Base Alpha series)
- Zan Perfonic
- Greys (Ology Series)
- Aden Kai ("Psy/Changeling Series")
- Whispers (Red Queen)
- Elara Merandus
- Samson Merandus
- Faes, chameleons, elves, ghost-whispering supernaturals & spirits (Shadow Falls)
- No. 2 (Record the Quanx - Denma S.E. - The Love Sick); via Telepathy Quanx ability
- Telepaths (The Sookie Stackhouse Novels)
- Barry The Bellboy
- Hunter Savoy
- Sookie Stackhouse
- Wil McBride (Sparkstone)
- Sage (Star Darlings)
- Pennywise the Dancing Clown/It (Stephen King's It)
- Edward Cullen (Twilight series)
- Jayfeather (Warriors series)
- Dr. Tachyon (Wild Cards series)
- Magnus Chase (Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard)
- NightWings (Wings of Fire)
- Gregory Kennedy (The Young Guardians)
- Akira (Akira)
- The Espers (Akira)
- Lady Miyako (Akira)
- Tetsuo Shima (Akira)
- Seiya Kanie (Amagi Brilliant Park)
- Fleet of Fog (Arpeggio of Blue Steel)
- Devils (Bastard!!)
- Dark Schneider (Bastard!!)
- Schierke (Berserk)
- Joshua Christopher (Chrono Crusade)
- Mary Magdalene (Chrono Crusade)
- Aion (Chrono Crusade)
- Ivan Whisky/Cyborg 001 (Cyborg 009)
- Users of Telepathy Quanx ability (Denma)
- Internal Affairs agent
- Road Kamelot (D.Gray-man)
- Wisely Kamelot (D.Gray-man)
- Ryo Asuka/Satan (Devilman)
- Babidi (Dragon Ball Z)
- Son Goku (Dragon Ball Z)
- Kanassans (Dragon Ball Z)
- King Kai (Dragon Ball Z)
- Namekians (Dragon Ball Z)
- Hell Fighter 17 (Dragon Ball GT)
- Brain (Fairy Tail)
- Simon (Fairy Tail)
- Warren (Fairy Tail)
- Unita (Flint the Time Detective)
- Vampires (Hellsing)
- Various characters (Heroic Age)
- Goshinki (InuYasha)
- Terence T Darby; via Atum
- Kokosaki (Koe ga Dasenai Shoujo wa "Kanojo ga Yasashisugiru" to Omotteiru)
- Dufaux (Konjiki no Gash Bell!); anime only
- Haruka Koutora (Kotoura-san)
- Takeshi Nanase (Mahou Sensou)
- Kiyoharu Suirenji (Mahou Shoujo Site)
- Mizou Yukuhashi (Medaka Box)
- Kousuke Seto (Mekakucity Actors)
- Accords (Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom)
- Migard Tribe (Mushoku Tensei)
- Kaito and Daichi Shiratori (Mob Psycho 100)
- Momozo Takenaka (Mob Psycho 100)
- Shino Sosaki (My Hero Academia)
- Various Characters (Murim Login)
- Ino Yamanaka (Naruto)
- Inoichi Yamanaka (Naruto)
- Those with the Voice of All Things (One Piece)
- Various Characters (One-Punch Man)
- Mewtwo (Pokémon)
- Sabrina (Pokémon)
- Yellow (Pokémon Adventures)
- Yugo Gilbert (Project ARMS)
- Kyuubey (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
- Liliana Masquerade (Re:Zero)
- Reinhard van Astrea (Re:Zero)
- Various Characters (Saint Seiya)
- Shin Asakura (Sakamoto Days)
- Saiki Kusuo (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.)
- Belial (Seven Mortal Sins)
- Anya Forger (SPY×FAMILY)
- Jake Martinez (Tiger & Bunny)
- Shokuhou Misaki (Toaru Majutsu no Index)
- Meiko Ōtsuka (Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches); via kiss
- Ao (Yozakura Quartet)
- Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho)
- Kazuma Kuwabara (Yu Yu Hakusho)
- Murota (Yu Yu Hakusho)
- Maximillion Pegasus (Yu-Gi-Oh!); via Millennium Eye
- Nowaki Hotaru (Zettai Karen Children)
- Various Characters (Wolyaverse)
Video Games[]
- Jodie Holmes/Aiden (Beyond: Two Souls)
- Pomegranate Cookie (Cookie Run series)
- Shadow Milk Cookie (Cookie Run: Kingdom)
- Anita (Darkstalkers)
- Hivemind (Dead Space)
- Markers (Dead Space)
- The Brethren Moons (Dead Space)
- Furons (Destroy All Humans)
- Cryptosporidium 137-139
- Androids (Detroit: Become Human)
- Pact Partners (Drakengard)
- The Watchers (Drakengard)
- Disciples (Drakengard 3)
- Ninten/Ken (Earthbound Beginnings/Mother)
- Paula (Earthbound/Mother 2)
- Alma Wade (F.E.A.R. series)
- Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII franchise)
- Jenova (Final Fantasy VII franchise)
- Mint Blancmanche (Galaxy Angel)
- Vortigaunts (Half-Life)
- Combine Advisors (Half-Life)
- Herrscher of the Void (Honkai Impact 3rd)
- Dracula (Honkai Impact 3rd)
- Kessler (inFAMOUS)
- Sasha (inFAMOUS)
- John White (inFAMOUS)
- Bloody Mary (inFAMOUS: Festival of Blood)
- Hades (Kid Icarus)
- Palutena (Kid Icarus)
- Viridi (Kid Icarus)
- Lingering Sentiment (Kingdom Hearts)
- Mind Guardian (Legacy of Kain)
- Nupraptor (Legacy of Kain)
- Kain (Legacy of Kain)
- Vampires (Legacy of Kain)
- Mortanius (Legacy of Kain)
- Sona (League of Legends)
- Ganondorf (The Legend of Zelda)
- Princess Zelda (The Legend of Zelda)
- Fi (The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)
- Alex Chen (Life is Strange: True Colors); via Aura Reading
- Akira Tadokoro (Live-A-Live)
- Lucius (Lucius)
- Asari (Mass Effect)
- Leviathan (Mass Effect)
- Chakron (Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story)
- Dr. Toadley (Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story)
- Psycho Mantis (Metal Gear Solid)
- Elisa and Ursula (Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops)
- Mother Brain (Metroid)
- Ermac (Mortal Kombat)
- Kenshi (Mortal Kombat)
- Takeda Takahashi (Mortal Kombat)
- Ghosts (Murdered: Soul Suspect)
- Ronan O'Connor (Murdered: Soul Suspect)
- Psychic-Type Pokémon {i.e. Exeggcute} (Pokémon)
- N (Pokémon)
- Mewtwo (Pokémon)
- The Keepers (Prey)
- Sarah and Tanya Blake (Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy)
- Razputin (Psychonauts)
- Haruka Frazer (Scarlet Nexus)
- Wataru Frazer (Scarlet Nexus)
- Various characters (Scarlet Nexus) via Brain Talk
- John Vattic (Second Sight)
- Jayne Wilde (Second Sight)
- Zenner Children (Second Sight)
- Blastermind (Skylanders); uses a variation of this power while driving a vehicle
- Master Eon (Skylanders)
- Hex (Skylanders)
- Black Doom (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Chip/Light Gaia (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- The End (Sonic Frontiers); Basic Level
- Doctor Timothy (South Park: The Fractured But Whole)
- Krystal (Star Fox)
- Ghosts (StarCraft)
- Rosalina (Super Mario)
- Mallow (Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars); via Psychopath
- Satori Komeiji (Touhou)
- The Guardian (Ultima)
- Kamal Re'x (Universe at War)
- Esper (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Minister Sucia (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Saga (Valkyrie Crusade)
Web Comics/Original[]
- Rolando (Helluva Boss)
- Tavros Nitram (Homestuck)
- Aranea Serket (Homestuck)
- Vriska Serket (Homestuck)
- Lori (Outsider)
- Vedika Dhawan/Mindful Eye (Sleepless Domain)
- SCP-001 - The Gate Guardian (Dr Clef's Proposal) (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-343 - God (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-239 - The Witch Child (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-523 - The Most Unhelpful Object On Earth (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-689 - Haunter in the Dark (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-795 - Reality-Bending Cat (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-1470 - Telepathic Spider (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-1564 - Post-Nibbanic (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-1849 - Telepathic Parrot (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-1867 - A Gentleman (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-1956 - The Gnomes (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-2543 - Our Harriet (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-2634 - A Higher Power (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-2664 - Redline (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-2682 - The Blind Idiot (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-2764 - The Eldritch Antarctic (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-2845 - THE DEER (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-2870-A - General Malaise (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-3004 - Imago (SCP Foundation)
- Sam Howell/SCP-3812 - A Voice Behind Me (SCP Foundation)
- Alena/SCP-6113-1 - Temporary Reflections (SCP Foundation)
- Sophia/Olympia/Subject/Zero/Olympia Zero/The Original/Europa (SCP Foundation)
- Toa Kongu (BIONICLE); via Kanohi Suletu; formerly
- Female Skrall (BIONICLE)
- Cartoon Cat (Trevor Henderson Mythos)
- The Man with the Upside-Down Face (Trevor Henderson Mythos)
- The Moon (LOCAL58)
- Smile Dog (Creepypasta)
- Astropaths (Warhammer 40,000)
- Telepath discipline Psykers (Warhammer 40,000)
Known Objects[]
- Kanohi Suletu (BIONICLE)
- Cortex Baker (Cookie Clicker)
- Mother Box (DC Comics)
- Metebelis crystal (Doctor Who)
- Goruda Brain Tonic (Doctor Who)
- Cerebral Inhibitor (The Flash)
- Dracas Ruby (Heirs of the NIght)
- Cerebro (Marvel Comics)
- Mind Gem (Marvel Comics)
- Blight Necklace (The Owl House)
- PsyNet (Scarlet Nexus)
- SCP-035 - The Possessive Mask (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-294 - The Coffee Machine (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-484 - Memory Stealing Drug (SCP Foundation)
- Mind Reader Conch (Xiaolin Showdown)
- Millennium Eyes (Yu-Gi-Oh!)