- "Whoa. I can see your skin cells."
- ― Peter Griffin (Family Guy)
The ability to see distant objects in magnified scale. Sub-power of Enhanced Vision and Sense Focusing.
Also Called[]
- Macro/Scoping Perspective/Vision
- Optical Zooming
- Scoping
- Telescopic Sight
- Telescopular Vision
- Zoom Perspective/Vision
- Zooming Perspective/Vision
- Eagle/Hawk Eye/Vision
The user can zoom their vision in on things, allowing them to see distant objects in magnified scale. They may be able to see vast distances, outside the atmosphere, solar-system or even galactic distances.
- Atomic Vision
- Digital Vision
- Energy Perception
- Enhanced Vision
- Microscopic Vision
- Protected Senses
- Targeting
- Weapon Proficiency
- Some can only zoom out to certain limit.
- If the user's eyes are no longer able to function perfectly, or if their sight is taken away, as in the case of blindness, this power becomes useless.
Known Users[]
- Chase Davenport (Lab Rats)
- Skylar Storm (Mighty Med)
- Dragons (American Dragon: Jake Long)
- Jake Long
- Donna Dunlap (Heroes)
- Kryptonians (DC Comics)
- Martians (DC Comics)
- Bender (Futurama)
- Peeper (Marvel Comics)
- Kid Gladiator (Marvel Comics)
- Migual O’Hara/Spider-Man 2099 (Marvel Comics)
- Peter Parker/Spider-Man (Marvel Comics)
- Heimdall (Marvel Comics)
- Monet St. Croix (Marvel Comics)
- Marcus Milton/Hyperion (Marvel Comics)
- Inque (Batman Beyond)
- Visionary (Image Comics)
- Isen (UnOrdinary)
- John Doe (UnOrdinary); via Aura Manipulation
- Byakugan Users (Naruto)
- Yome (Naruto)
- Ryu Hayabusa (Ninja Gaiden)
- Cindy Vortex/Special Girl (Jimmy Neutron)
- Poli Truper (Supertorpe)
- Kenbunshoku/Observation Haki Users (One Piece)
- Sanji (One Piece)
- Violent/Viola (One Piece)
- DIO Brando (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part III: Stardust Crusaders); via Jonathan Joestar's Hermit Purple
- Joseph Joestar (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure); via Hermit Purple
- Jotaro Kujo (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure); via Star Platinum
- Manwë (Silmarilion)
- Viewtiful Joe (Viewtiful Joe)
- Archer (Fate/Stay Night)
- Emiya Shirou (Fate/Stay Night)
- The Powerpuff Girls (The Powerpuff Girls)
- Garrett (Thief)
- Ilana (Sym-Bionic Titan); via Corus
- Kumoko/Shiraori (So I'm a Spider, So What?)
- Suezo (Monster Rancher)
- Mei Hatsume (My Hero Academia)
- Lin Chung (Hero: 108); via Panther Vision
- Lynels (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
- Lord Zedd (Power Rangers)
- Will Aston (Power Rangers: Operation Overdrive)
- Everseer (The Incredibles)
- Magguard (The Sinister Squad)
- Matthew Davenport (The Sinister Squad)
- Alucard (Hellsing)
- Seras Victoria (Hellsing)
- Gedou Saimon (Mikakunin Shounen Gedou)
- Noah Glenfield (Edens Zero); via the Eye of God
- Hayato Gokudera (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!); via telescopic contact lenses and Storm-attributed sunglasses
- Tsunayoshi Sawada (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!); via telescopic contact lenses
- Users of Demon Spade's Devil Lens (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)
- Chrome Dokuro
- Mukuro Rokudo
Known Powers[]
- Kenbunshoku Haki (One Piece)
- Hunter (UnOrdinary)
Known Objects[]
- Glare Glare no Mi (One Piece)
- Corus (Sym-Bionic Titan)
- Food King AIR (Toriko)
- Falcon's Eye (Xiaolin Showdown)
- Eagle Scope (Xiaolin Showdown)
- Gufo di Nebbia ver. Vongola/Mukurou (Katekyo Hitma Reborn!); as Demon Spade's Devil Lens
Peter Parker/Spider-Man (Sam Raimi: Spider-Man; Trilogy) uses clairvoyance via his spider-sense to see with telescopic vision of how far the danger is approaching the train tracks
DIO Brando (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part III: Stardust Crusaders) using Jonathan Joestar's Hermit Purple-like Stand to track the Joestars.
Marcus Milton/Hyperion (Marvel Comics) seeing objects, even a minuscule things like strands of DNA, in clear detail from orbit.
Hayato Gokudera (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!) is able to precisely aim at a target with his contact lenses...
Mukuro Rokudo (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!) can zoom his vision in on things with Demon Spade's Devil Lens.
Tsunayoshi Sawada's (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!) contact lenses help him aim at a target and find the right balance between the Soft and Hard Flames.